How to Pick a Residential Lot or Building Site in Coastal Areas

Quiz Questions


1. A building can be considered a success in the coastal area if after a storm:
The building foundation should remain intact and functional.
The envelope (lowest floor, walls, openings and roof) should remain structurally sound and capable of minimizing penetration by wind, rain, and debris.
The lowest floor elevation must be sufficient to prevent floodwaters from entering the elevated building envelope during the design event.
The utility connections (e.g., electricity, water, sewer, natural gas) should remain intact or be restored easily.
The building should be accessible and usable following a design-level event.
Any damage to enclosures below the design flood elevation (DFE) should not result in damage to the foundation, the utility connections, or the elevated portion of the building.
All of the above
2. The three houses shown on figure 4-2 , at the time they were built, How far were they inland behind the vegetation line.
10 feet
100 feet
500 feet
3. Unlike wind load, safety factors for flood resistance are not inherent in the design process but must be specified by the designer or owner.
4. Figure 5-5 shows how a structure should consider effects of multiple storms in a short time.
5. According to figure 6-1, which one of the codes should Texas coastal area comply with:
Regional Coastal Requirements
6. According to figure 6-1, which one of the codes should Ft. Lauderdale, Florida coastal area comply with:
Regional Coastal Requirements
7. In figure 6-2, the lowest floors of the buildings must be at or above the BFE (Base Flood Elevation). Foundations walls below the BFE must be equipped with openings that allow the entry of flood waters sp that interior and exterior hydrostatic pressures can equalize.
8. Which one of the following are the most significant natural hazards that affect the coastlines of the united states.
Coastal Flooding
High wind
All of the above
9. According to hurricane scale in table 7-1 a Category 3 hurricane has a wind speed of 111-130 mph and a 3 second Gust of 139-163 mph.
10. Figure 7-3 shows the number of direct and indirect impacts by landfalling hurricanes for costal counties from Texas to Main, 1900-1994. According to this map the number of hurricanes in Galveston area is:
11. Figure 7-3 shows the number of direct and indirect impacts by landfalling hurricanes for costal counties from Texas to Main, 1900-1994. According to this map the number of hurricanes in Ft. Myers, Florida area is:
12. Figure 7-7 shows the 90% probability of Tsunami elevations in 50 years for the US west coast, Alaska and Hawaii. According to this map in case of a tsunami hits Los Angeles, the tsunami elevation would be:
Above 30 ft.
15-30 ft.
0-5 ft.
13. Erosion Results, when more sediment leaves a shoreline segment than move in it. Accretion results; when more sediment moves into a shoreline segment than leaves it.
14. According to the flow chart in figure 7-66, in order to estimate the maximum likelihood of flood hazard at a site, over the life of a building or development, which one of the following should be done?
Determine mostlandward expected shoreline location over the anticipated life of the building or development
Determine the lowest expected ground elevation at the base of the building structure
Determine the highest expected BFE at the base of the building or structure
All of the above
15. In fig 8-2 the new construction was built in the A Zone. The flood and construction damage could have been avoided if the building:
Was considered a coastal A zone structure and was elevated on an open foundation
The building was built further back inland.
16. Figure 8-3 is a good example of a coastal construction.
17. Figure 8-4 is a bad example of a coastal construction.