Oil, Gas and Chemical Engineers Continuing Education PDH Courses

The following PDH Courses (Oil, Gas and Chemical Engineering Continuing Education) have been selected carefully to maintain, improve or expand the technical knowledge of the PE professional engineers and other licensee's in their field of practice.

Oil Gas Chemical Engineers Continuing Education PDH Courses

All Subject matters are technical in nature and addresses business management practices, professional ethics, quality assurance, codes or other similar topics which facilitate the licensee's professional development as a professional engineer and serves to safeguard (HSW) Health, safety and welfare of the citizens.

PDH Courses for Oil, Gas and Chemical Engineers

ID Course Name PDH Price
OL657Accident - Tank Farm Explosion and Fire in Deer Park, TexasNew PDH Course - Accident - Tank Farm Explosion and Fire in Deer Park, Texas 15$225.00
OL654A Cyber Attack on the U.S. Power GridNew PDH Course - A Cyber Attack on the U.S. Power Grid 2$24.00
OL653America’s Energy FutureNew PDH Course - America’s Energy Future 15$225.00
OL628Fire During Hot Work at Evergreen Packaging Paper MillNew PDH Course - Fire During Hot Work at Evergreen Packaging Paper Mill 7$105.00
OL625Tank Explosion in West VirginiaNew PDH Course - Tank Explosion in West Virginia 6$90.00
OL621A Brief Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceNew PDH Course - A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 1$15.00
OL616Hydrogen Sulfide Release at Waterflood Station in Odessa, TexasNew PDH Course - Hydrogen Sulfide Release at Waterflood Station in Odessa, Texas 5$60.00
OL612Failure of three Hammerhead Cranes in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, FloridaNew PDH Course - Failure of three Hammerhead Cranes in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Florida 11$165.00
OL611Pressure Vessel Explosion at a Box Company in St. Louis, MissouriNew PDH Course - Pressure Vessel Explosion at a Box Company in St. Louis, Missouri 12$180.00
OL610Toxic Chemical release at DuPont in La Porte, TexasNew PDH Course - Toxic Chemical release at DuPont in La Porte, Texas 12$180.00
OL609Blowout and Rig fire in Pittsburg County, OklahomaNew PDH Course - Blowout and Rig fire in Pittsburg County, Oklahoma 20$198.00
OL568Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan PDH Course - Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

OL397Guidelines for a Successful Construction Project PDH Course - Guidelines for a Successful Construction Project 10$120.00
OL584Corrosion Control PDH Course - Corrosion Control 6$90.00
OL527An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice PDH Course - An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice 2$30.00
OL526Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter-GFCI PDH Course - Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter-GFCI 1$12.00
OL523Impact of Rework in Construction Cost PDH Course - Impact of Rework in Construction Cost 2$18.00
OL561OSHA-Controlling Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) PDH Course - OSHA-Controlling Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)

OL521One More Time How Do You Motivate Employees PDH Course - One More Time How Do You Motivate Employees 2$24.00
OL582Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers PDH Course - Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers 1$15.00
OL566OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety PDH Course - OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety

OL497Accident - Deepwater Horizon Volume I and II PDH Course - Accident - Deepwater Horizon Volume I and II 15$225.00
OL331Personal Protective Equipment PDH Course - Personal Protective Equipment 4$48.00
OL386Introduction to Centrifugal Pump Systems PDH Course - Introduction to Centrifugal Pump Systems 7$84.00
OL486Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Carbon Dioxide in the European Energy System PDH Course - Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Carbon Dioxide in the European Energy System 14$168.00

OL621A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence1$15.00
OL654A Cyber Attack on the U.S. Power Grid2$24.00
OL392A Guide to OSHA Excavations Standard6$90.00
OL482Accident - 7 Key Lessons to Prevent Worker Death During Hot Work in and Around Tanks2$30.00
OL495Accident - BP-Texas City Refinery Explosion and Fire31$372.00
OL497Accident - Deepwater Horizon Volume I and II15$225.00
OL494Accident - Imperial Sugar Dust Explosion and Fire12$180.00
OL657Accident - Tank Farm Explosion and Fire in Deer Park, Texas15$225.00
OL496Accident - West Texas Fertilizer Company Fire and Explosion34$349.00
OL490Accident Case - Caribbean Petroleum Tank Explosion and Fire14$210.00
OL493Accident Case - DuPont Methyl Chloride Release23$345.00
OL375Accident Investigation2$24.00
OL376Air Compressor4$60.00
OL210America's Oil and Natural Gas Industry3$36.00
OL653America’s Energy Future15$225.00
OL527An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice2$30.00
OL109API - BIOACCUMULATION: An Evaluation of Federal and State Regulatory Initiatives11$132.00
OL107API - Commission Publications Explains How Oil Market Works2$24.00
OL108API - Mixing Zone Modeling and Dilution Analysis for Water Quality Based NPDES Permit Limits20$240.00
OL343Appropriate Response to the Uncontrolled Release of Hazardous Substances10$90.00
OL211Biomass Oil Analysis17$204.00
OL609Blowout and Rig fire in Pittsburg County, Oklahoma20$198.00
OL09Blowout Prevention (Section 1)3$36.00
OL10BOP Equipment Descriptions and Requirements7$84.00
OL11BOP Inspection and Testing4$48.00
OL387BP Gas Fracking2$24.00
OL15aCentral Boiler Plants I3$27.00
OL15bCentral Boiler Plants II15$135.00
OL15cCentral Boiler Plants III30$270.00
OL81Chemical Hazard Communication2$24.00
OL346Construction of Underground Tunnels3$45.00
OL19Construction Pocket Guide1$12.00
OL584Corrosion Control6$90.00
OL312Crude Oil Markets5$60.00
OL377Design and Analysis of Bio Diesel from Algae3$45.00
OL322Disinfecting the Water Using Combined Disinfectants3$36.00
OL323Disinfecting the Water Using Peroxone4$48.00
OL321Disinfecting the Water using UV Radiation4$48.00
OL21Domestic Wastewater Treatment17$153.00
OL22Drilling and Operating Oil & Gas and Geothermal Wells in H2S Environments4$48.00
OL121Earthquake Resistant Construction of Gas and Liquid Fuel Pipeline 6$72.00
OL122Effects of Oil and Chemically Dispersed Oil in the Environment5$60.00
OL25Electric Power Plant Design14$126.00
OL26Electrical Design Lightning and Static Electricity2$18.00
OL27Electrical Power Supply and Distribution15$135.00
OL319Energy Resource Potential of Methane Hydrate3$36.00
OL252Engineering and Design of Incinerators for Combustible Waste2$18.00
OL399Engineering Assessment of Algae Biofuel Production25$299.00
OL486Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Carbon Dioxide in the European Energy System14$168.00
OL28Estimating Well Cost for Enhanced Geo System Applications7$84.00
OL612Failure of three Hammerhead Cranes in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, Florida11$165.00
OL628Fire During Hot Work at Evergreen Packaging Paper Mill7$105.00
OL29Fire Fighting26$234.00
OL308Fundamentals of Diesel Engines, Heat Exchangers, Pumps and Valves17$255.00
OL327Future of Engineering Practice, Research and Education in America 18$270.00
OL86General Principles of Pumping Stations and Layout4$60.00
OL32Generators and Motors15$225.00
OL33Geo Buried Treasure2$30.00
OL596Global Energy Transformation Path to 205010$150.00
OL335Greenhouse Gas Emissions9$135.00
OL358Greenhouse Gas Inventory3$45.00
OL526Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter-GFCI1$12.00
OL447Guidance for Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Sites27$324.00
OL254Guidance on Risk Analysis and Safety Implications of a Large Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Spill Over Water20$300.00
OL397Guidelines for a Successful Construction Project10$120.00
OL311Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Lease Sale- Environmental Impact30$349.00
OL257Hazard Communication Guidance for Combustible Dusts2$30.00
OL389How Boilers Work3$45.00
OL48How Chemicals Move from the Water into Fish and Other Aquatic Organisms7$105.00
OL47How Safely Erect Steel3$45.00
OL49How to Avoid Electrical Hazard2$30.00
OL46How to Avoid Health Hazard in Plumbing Cross Connections6$90.00
OL45How to Avoid Lead Exposure in the Construction Industry5$75.00
OL258How to Comply with the Air Quality in Ethylene Oxide Plants2$18.00
OL52How to Respond In Case Your Oil Tanker Has Grounded Offshore6$90.00
OL384How to Select an Air Compressor3$45.00
OL524HVAC Variable Refrigerant Flow2$24.00
OL525HVAC Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems2$24.00
OL595Hybrid Power Plant Design9$135.00
OL616Hydrogen Sulfide Release at Waterflood Station in Odessa, Texas5$60.00
OL523Impact of Rework in Construction Cost2$18.00
OL516Improving Compressed Air System Performance18$162.00
OL316Improving Process Heating System Performance11$165.00
OL310Improving Process Heating System Performance - 2nd Edition14$210.00
OL268Incinerators Mobilization Construction3$27.00
OL260Industrial Heat Pumps for Steam and Fuel Savings3$45.00
OL126Installing Seismic Restraint for Duct and Pipe8$120.00
OL396International Standard for Centrifugal Pumps30$270.00
OL385Introduction to Boiler2$24.00
OL386Introduction to Centrifugal Pump Systems7$84.00
OL564Introduction to Paint and Coating 1$15.00
OL582Leadership Skills for Advancing Engineers1$15.00
OL178Leak Detection Methods for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks and Piping3$45.00
OL267Liquid Process Piping22$198.00
OL342Management Guidelines for Working with Radioactive and Mixed Waste20$180.00
OL269Natural Gas Unlocking the Low Carbon Future8$120.00
OL59Natural Resources Forest Management3$27.00
OL60Natural Resources Land Management17$153.00
OL354Offshore Wind Energy2$30.00
OL263On-Site Sewage Facility (OSSF) Rules Compilation15$135.00
OL521One More Time How Do You Motivate Employees2$24.00
OL62Operation, Maintenance and Repair of Auxiliary Generators12$108.00
OL566OSHA Trenching and Excavation Safety 1$15.00
OL561OSHA-Controlling Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout) 5$45.00
OL194Overview of Gulf of Mexico OCS Oil and Gas Pipelines2$18.00
OL353Overview of Steam Generator Tube Degradation and Integrity Issues4$36.00
OL270Package Plants for Wastewater Technology3$27.00
OL331Personal Protective Equipment4$48.00
OL469Pressure Measurement2$30.00
OL611Pressure Vessel Explosion at a Box Company in St. Louis, Missouri12$180.00
OL65Preventive Maintenance Program2$18.00
OL220Proposed Gulf of Mexico OCS (Outer Continental shelf) Oil and Gas Lease Sale 20712$108.00
OL352Review of Orifice Plate Steam Traps3$45.00
OL174Rigs-to-Reefs Policy, Progress and Perspective1$9.00
OL146Risk Based Methodologies for Evaluating Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacts at Oil and Natural Gas E&P Sites10$90.00
OL68Safeguarding Equipment and Protecting Workers from Amputations7$63.00
OL73Solar Water Heating4$36.00
OL570Storm Management Handbook 12$180.00
OL568Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 6$72.00
OL148Strategies for Characterizing Subsurface Releases of Gasoline Containing MTBE II12$108.00
OL625Tank Explosion in West Virginia6$90.00
OL272Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow20$180.00
OL610Toxic Chemical release at DuPont in La Porte, Texas12$180.00
OL76Training Marine Oil Spill Response Workers3$27.00
OL382UK Shale Fracking2$30.00
OL101Understanding Natural Gas Markets2$18.00
OL578Unmanned Aerial Systems in Marine Science and Conservation3$45.00
OL182UST Systems Inspecting and Maintaining Sumps and Spill Buckets3$27.00
OL273Valves, Valve Actuators, Air Compressors, Hydraulics, Boilers, Cooling Towers, Demineralizers, Pressurizes, Steam Traps and Filters and Strainers18$162.00
OL154What Caused the Explosion and Fire in Napp Technology in New Jersey5$45.00
OL80Wire Rope Selection for Gate Operating Devices5$45.00
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