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Repair of Rigid Pavement Using Epoxy

Quiz Questions

1. The epoxy resin is the resin component of thermosetting polymer which contains epoxy groups principally responsible for its polymerization.
2. Generally pavement repairs with epoxy materials shall not be initiated unless the air and pavement temperatures are above 40 degrees F and rising.
3. Epoxy resin type I, is used to bond hardened concrete and other materials to hardened concrete. It is used for cementing dowels in drilled and preformed holes and for pressure grouting of nonworking cracks.
4. Epoxy resin type II, is used to bond freshly mixed Portland cement concrete (PCC) to hardened PCC.
5. Epoxy resin type III, is used to bond skid-resistance materials to hardened concrete, and as a binder in epoxy resin mortars or epoxy resin concretes for repairing spalls and for filling non-working joints.
6. Figure 1 shows :
Different methods of applying the resin epoxy
Approved methods for repair of uncontrolled cracks and spalls in rigid pavements.
Crack growth in concrete
7. In fig. 1 Condition 7, if the cracks are tight and not working we need to:
Remove and replace full slab
No repair required
8. Because of the nature of the hardened epoxy resin systems, all tools and equipment need not be thoroughly cleaned before the epoxy materials set.
9. The viscosity of the two components of an epoxy resin increases as temperatures decrease.
10. In the preparation of epoxy resin concretes and mortars, aggregates should be dry and conditioned to a temperature of_______________________.
70 to 85 degrees F
90 to 125 degrees F
11. Figure 3 shows :
Placement of joint filler sheet to maintain active crack through area to be patched.
Breaking and crushing the old pavement before removal
12. Figure 4 shows:
Placing fillers in the concrete before concrete curing
Finishing a patch containing an active crack