Pressure Vessel Explosion at a Box Company in St. Louis, Missouri

Quiz Questions

1. By performing destructive thickness and metallurgical examination,the average post-incident thickness of the re-used ring around the periphery of the fracture, as measured by calipers, was ____________?
0.107 inches.
0.2 inches.
2. According to Figure 23, the city water first enters into?
Pressure Vessel Explosion at a Box Company in St. Louis, Missouri 1
Water softener
Steam generator
3. The full form of IMC
International Manufacturing Code
International Mechanical Code

Which one of the following three components is true about BLEVE requirement?

  1. Agas that exists above its normal atmospheric pressure boiling point;
  2. Containment that causes the pressure on the liquid to be sufficiently high to suppress boiling;
  3. Sudden gain of containment to rapidly drop the pressure on the liquid
Only 2
All of the above

The City Records did have installation records for the two Loy-Lange steam generators, which indicated that the generators were installed in the 1800s.

6. Based on mechanical integrity section, in August of 2012, the 10-inch outlet nozzle near the bottom head leaked due to corrosion.
7. In which vessel most of the water evaporated into steam and any water that did not was drained
Steam separator
Make-up tank
8. According Figure 27, the blowdown drain nozzle is of which size?
Pressure Vessel Explosion at a Box Company in St. Louis, Missouri 2
9. What does UT stands for?
Ultrasonic Thickness
Universal Testing
10. According to Table 1, what is the percentage of mobile homes?

Population Raceand Ethnicity Number of Housing Units Types of Housing Units Per Capita Income % Poverty
  • 44.3% White
  • 47.4% Black
  • <1% Native
  • 1.6% Asian
  • 1% Islander
  • SingleUnit 40.8%
  • Multi-Unit 58.2%
  • MobileHome <1%
  • Boat,RV,Van,etc. <1%
$36,157 20.4%
< 10%
< 1%

According to Loy-Lange, at the time of the incident, Loy-Lange employed 71 people at its facility and currently employs __________________?

77 people
200 people
12. The full form of API.
American Petroleum Institute
American Pharmacy Institute