ADA - Accessible Routes

Quiz Questions

1. What is the maximum cost for the accessible path of travel that must extend to site arrival points in alterations or additions involving primary function areas?
More than 20% of the total cost of alterations to the primary function area
Less than 20% of the total cost of alterations to the primary function area
No maximum cost limit
2. What must the accessible route connect in alterations and additions to multi-story facilities?
Each level served by the new stair or escalator
The primary function areas only
Site arrival points only
3. What is the minimum 36" continuous clear width of accessible routes allowed to reduce to for a maximum distance at points such as doorways?
40 inches
36 inches
32 inches

Connecting accessible routes to public streets and sidewalks does not require coordination with local jurisdictions.


Additional clearance is required around an element that is less than 48” wide at what turns?

90 degrees
All turns
180 degrees
6. What must be in the same area as stairs and escalators, not isolated in the back of the facility?
Turn around obstructions
Walking surface slops
Accessible vertical interior circulation
7. Passing space is required every _____________________________ and must be provided as a 60" by 60" minimum space or as T-shaped space where each stem is at least 48" long
100 feet
300 feet
200 feet
8. What must accessible routes serving public transportation stops connect to?
Boarding and alighting areas
Clear floor space within shelters only
9. What type of accessibility is shown in this figure?

ADA - Accessible Routes

Handrails along walking surface
Walking surface slopes
Vertical Access
All of the above
10. Handrails are required at ramps with rise greater than _____________.
6 inches
7 inches
8 inches