ADA - Operable Parts, Drinking Fountains and Stairways

Quiz Questions

1. What is the maximum protrusion allowed for wall-mounted handrails with leading edges higher than 27" into circulation paths?
4 1/2"
3 1/2"
2. Is there a minimum number of risers a stairway must have for it to be covered?
3. Can stair treads and risers be perforated?
Yes, both can be perforated
Only treads can be perforated
Only risers can be perforated if they meet certain requirements
No, neither can be perforated

Are stairs that are not part of means of egress required to comply with the Standards?


What cannot substitute for a wheelchair accessible or standing height drinking fountain in new construction, additions, or alterations?

Water coolers and bottle fillers
Nearby sinks
Both A and B
6. Which of the following is not required to comply with accessibility standards
Locks with non-fixed portions
Access cards
Latches with small parts that must be manipulated
7. Which of the following controls is not recommended for accessibility purposes?
Flip switches
Push plate types
Controls that require twisting of the wrist or pinching
8. What is the recommended location for cantilevered units for standees with compliant knee and toe space?
Protruding into the clear floor space at adjacent wheelchair accessible units
Overlapping the clear floor space at wheelchair accessible units
Inside the clear floor space at wheelchair accessible units
Outside the clearance of wheelchair accessible units
9. What type of accessibility is shown in this figure?

ADA - Operable Parts, Drinking Fountains and Stairways

Obstruction reach
Side reach
Clear floor space
Advisory reach
10. Under what exception can a lower unit height be provided for drinking fountains designed for children ages 12 and younger?
A side approach with knee and toe clearance
A forward approach with knee and toe clearance
A parallel approach with knee and toe clearance