ADA Scoping - New Construction

Quiz Questions

1. In new construction, all areas must be fully accessible, including multiple spaces of the same type, unless otherwise specified.
2. Areas not required to be fully accessible include:

  • certain limited-use or raised spaces that are exempt (§203)
  • employee work areas (partial access) (§203.9)
  • spaces covered by scoping provisions that require only a specified portion of the total number to comply, such as dressing rooms and patient bedrooms (various provisions in Chapter 2)
not required
3. Limited access places such as areas that can be accessed only by ladder or crawling are ________from being accessible.
Are fully exempt
Are not exempt
4. Which one of the requirements below must be met in a work area

  1. access to approach, enter, and exit the work area (§203.9)
  2. accessible means of egress (§207.1)
  3. wiring for visible alarms in areas served by audible alarms (§215.3)
  4. accessible common use circulation paths in most
All of the above
a and b only
a, b, and c
5. Access for "approach, entry, and exit" requires a connecting accessible route to the work area and a compliant entrance, including entry doors or gates, plus wheelchair space in the work area. Work areas must also be served by an accessible means of egress, as required by the International Building Code.
6. A circulation path ____________ in work areas below 1,000 sq.ft
Is required
Is not required.
7. At least _____ of all public entrances must be accessible, in addition to entrances serving parking structures, tunnels or elevated walkways, tenant spaces, or those entrances that are restricted.
8. Directional and informational signs, where provided, must meet requirements for visual access, and signs identifying permanent spaces, room numbers/ names, floor levels, and exits must also have raised characters and braille.
9. Half the units provided on floors and exterior sites must be wheelchair accessible and the other half accessible to standees
10. For sale and service counters at least _____should be accessible.