API - BIOACCUMULATION: An Evaluation of Federal and State Regulatory Initiatives

Quiz Questions

1. GLI is an acronym for________
Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative
Great lakes Quality Implementation
2. PBT is an acronym for which strategy?
Persistent, Bio accumulative and Toxic
Permeable, Bio accumulative, and Toxic
3. A _________________ is the ratio of the chemical concentration in an organism to the concentration in water, assuming no exposure by food sources.
Bio concentration factor (BCF)
Bio accumulation factor (BAF)
4. The_______________ represents the ratio of the concentration in an organism to the concentration in water, including both the organism and food sources exposed to the chemical.
Bio concentration factor (BCF)
Bio accumulation factor (BAF)
5. On page 15 we see this formulae BSAF= (Co/L)/(Cs/OC)


L = lipid concentration (glipid/gtissue)

Cs = concentration in sediment (mg/g)

OC = total organic carbon concentration (glipid/gsediment)

What does BSAF stand for?

Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factor
Biological Soil Accumulation Factor
6. DDT is highly lipid soluble (log Kow 6.19), has an extremely long half-life, and therefore, tends to bio accumulate. It was extensively used as an agricultural pesticide and to control vector-borne diseases between 1920 and 1970.
7. Arsenic (As) is found in three valence states.
8. ______________ is most commonly found in aquatic environments and can be found dissolved as the free ion, sorbed to minerals, or bound to organic carbon.
Nickel (Ni)
Mercury (Hg)
9. ___________and ___________ are the predominant species in water and can be toxic to aquatic organisms.
Selenate and selenite
Nickel and mercury
10. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (or poly nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons) are a large group of chemicals characterized by two or more fused benzene rings, with or without substituted groups attached to the rings.
11. Table 4.2 on page 42 represents________
Chemical properties for categorizing PBT chemicals under TSCA
Physical properties for categorizing PBT chemicals under TSCA
12.  ARL x BW
CR (lim) = ——————- in appendix A denotes;
 CSF x Cm
An equation for Carcinogenic chemicals
An equation for Non-carcinogenic chemicals
13.  RfD x BW
CR (lim) = ——————- in appendix A denotes;
An equation for Carcinogenic chemicals
An equation for Non-carcinogenic chemicals
14. The predicted baseline BCF shall be calculated using the equation:
predicted baseline BCF = KOW (octanol – water partition coefficient)
15. Equations 1 and 2 in appendix C represent _________
Equations for calculating the Human Health Bio Accumulation Factor
Equations for calculating the Human Health Bio concentration factor