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Army Aviation Lighting

Quiz Questions

1. Runway lighting system is a configuration of lights which define the lateral and longitudinal limits of the usable landing area.
2. Two straight lines of lights parallel to and equidistance from the runway centerline define the lateral limits.
3. Which one of the following are some of the basic lightings for the runway.
Medium intensity approach lighting system
High intensity short approach lighting system
Approach lighting system location
Medium intensity runway edge lights
High intensity runway edge lights
Refueling area lights
All of the above
4. Figure 2-1 shows :
Typical layout for airfield lighting facility
One line block diagram for airfield lighting system
Installation details for elevated runway and taxiway marker lights
5. Figure 3-2 is
Typical layout for heliport lighting facilities
One line block diagram for heliport system
None of the above
6. Helipad is a square or rectangle load bearing surface which has a minimum dimension of 40 feet and is designed and designated for the purpose of landing rotary-wing aircraft.
7. A heliport is an airfield consisting of one or more runways not less than 635 feet long and with a 100 foot overrun at each end.
8. Energy for taxiway lights (including taxilanes and hoverlanes) will be supplied from 6.6-ampere series circuits, with each circuit served from a low voltage regulator located in the equipment vault.
9. Aeronautical beacons are high candlepower lights which present definite signals (color and flashes) to identify the locations of airfield and heliport.
10. The airfield or airport beacon, will flash alternate white and green flashes at the rate of 12 to 15 flashes per minute. The white flash will be double-peaked. The station beacon is not in line of sight between control tower and the final approach to the runway.
11. There is no need for a lighting equipment vault on the airfield, everything is battery operated.