Blowout Prevention (Section 1)

Quiz Questions

1. A complete BOPE classification (e.g., Class III B 3M) is composed of three elements that identify, respectively, the division’s requirements for blowout prevention equipment, hole-fluid monitoring equipment, and rated working pressure of the weakest component of the wellhead stack and choke system.
2. The stack arrangements, depicted in Figures 1 through 6 of this section, are for illustrative purposes only. The operator may use any desired arrangement of preventers and drilling spools, provided the total system meets the BOPE classification assigned by the division and provisions have been made to control the well under any predictable conditions.
3. A Class I BOPE system consists of, as a minimum, any device installed at the surface that is capable of complete closure of the well bore with the pipe out of the hole. The device must be closed whenever the well is unattended.
4. Figure 1 is an example of a:
BOP stack class I
BOP stack class II
BOP stack class III
BOP stack class IV
5. Figure 2 is an example of a:
BOP stack class I
BOP stack class II
BOP stack class III
BOP stack class IV
6. Figure 5 is an example of a:
BOP stack class I
BOP stack class II
BOP stack class III
BOP stack class IV
7. An operator proposes to sidetrack a bad liner in a well located in a residential area. There are no flowing wells in the field. The zone pressure is 800 psi and the oil gravity is 19o API. The depth to the top of the zone is 3,600 feet. What class of equipment should be used?

Solution to the above could be:

Well Conditions

Proposed well operations: Redrill-development

Well environment: Onshore critical
Anticipated surface pressure: Medium pressure

From Table 1: Class III B equipment should be used.
