A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Quiz Questions

1. _____________ is a computing concept that helps a machine think and solve complex problems as we humans do with our intelligence.
Artificial intelligence
Deep learning
2. Robots-are programmed in a specific way to only execute tasks that it has been programmed to perform.
3. Who invented Turing test?
Elon Musk
Alan Turing

__________is first chat bot computer program created in the 1960s.

Deep Blue

Machine learning-is concept of computers learning to improve their predictions and creativity to resemble a humanlike thinking process using algorithms.

6. Processin which machines are designed to learn with the feeding of labelled data is _________ .
Supervised learning
Reinforcement learning
7. Process in which machines are trained to analyse and learn from a series of data, i.e., unlabelled data- the meaning of which is not apparently comprehendible by the human eyes is ______________ .
Supervised learning
Unsupervised learning
8. _________________is feedback dependent machine learning model. In this process machine is given a data and made to predict what the data was. If the machine generates an inaccurate conclusion about the input data, the machine is given feedback about its incorrectness.
Unsupervised learning
Reinforcement learning
9. __________________ is the concept of computers simulating the process a human brain takes to analyse, think and learn. This process utilizes neural network as a part of the thinking process for an AI.
Machine learning
Deep learning
10. Artificial intelligence will simulate the complicated and intuitive sense of thinking and problem-solving abilities of the human mind.