Building Performance and Damage Investigation after Hurricane Charley

Quiz Questions

1. The FBC (Florida Building Code) is administered by the Florida Building Commission and governs the design and construction of residential and non-residential buildings in Florida. The 2001 FBC (effective March 2002) is the applicable building code for the state of Florida.
2. When comparing the SBC (Southern Building Code), the FBC, and ASCE 7 in hurricane-prone regions, there are three notable differences that have evolved in these codes and standards that will affect the performance of building. The differences are.
  • The design wind speed and the averaging time of the wind speed
  • How and where pressures are calculated on a building
  • Requirements for debris impact protection
3. Exposure is the term used in Florida Building Code and ASCE 7 to define the roughness of the ground surface around a particular building site. Selection of the correct Exposure Category is an important step with the wind load determination process that can alter design wind pressure by more than 15 percent across the building.
4. Although the HUD Manufactured Home Construction and safety Standards, 24 CFR 3280, cover the design and construction of the home itself, it is the local jurisdiction that regulates the installation of the home.
5. According to the wind zone map in Fig 2-2., Miami would be in
Zone I
Zone II
Zone III
6. Wind speeds are measured and recorded as sustained and gust wind speeds. For consistency, the report defines sustained wind speed as 1-minute average wind speeds and gust wind speed as 3-second peak gust wind speeds.
7. When a building is not designed for internal pressure or if a window or door is broken (breached) such that wind is allowed to enter the building, the building experiences an increase in loads that was probably not designed to handle. Fig 3-2 shows a masonry home with a wood roof structure. Failure of the window in the front wall of the house likely led to pressurization of the house and contributed to the dramatic failure of the roof structure.
8. Figure 3-3 and 3-4 show two identical wood frame buildings adjacent next to each other that were in the hurricane path. One building has lost its roof, while the next building is equipped with protective shutters and is undamaged. The reason the second building survived was.
The building escaped the pressurization because of the protective shutters.
Pure luck
Hurricane changed its path
9. The extensive structural damage to the manufactured home in figure 3-8 is the result of 3-second peak gust wind in excess of 110 to 130 mph.
10. In Figure 3-9 the wood truss roof failure was caused as a result of :
Sheathing loss and lack of bracing at gable end on a pre 2001 FBC un-reinforced masonry building.
Termite damage in the attic.
11. Figure 3-14 and 3-15 are typical asphalt shingle roof covering loss due to.
Hail damage
Flying debris
12. In Figure 3-20 the cracks at the wooden entry door frame of the house has been caused by:
Wood decay
Slamming the doors too hard
Wind load
13. Figure 3-40 is typical metal roof panel and siding debris caused glazing damage to the homes.
14. Figure 3-58 shows the damage to a pre-engineered metal building which was designed for use as a:
Pet store
15. Figure 4-4. Shows load path and wind uplift on a roof of a two story building with a primary wood-framing system.
16. Figure 4-5 shows how the roof has blown off over a cathedral ceiling. The cause of roof getting blown away was
Pressurization of the house when the window failed on the windward face during hurricane.
Gas explosion in the house
Bad roof design
17. In figure 4-6 the roof decking has failed due to the uplifting load discussed in question 15 and figure 4-4 diagram
18. Figure 4-11 shows:
A bad roof job on a newly constructed home
A new concrete masonry residence built to 2001 FBC code. The building structurally performed well during hurricane, although it experienced some asphalt shingle damage.
19. In Figure 4-12 the reinforced masonry wall system is adequately designed.
20. In Figure 5-4 the damage to the garage door was caused by.
The car backed into the garage door.
The suction load in the building’s front envelope.
21. In Figures 5-7 and 5-8 the masonry wall is tilted because of:
Bad design
Bad construction of non-load bearing wall.
The suction pressure loads on the other side of the tilted masonry wall.
22. Figure 5-15 shows:
Plastic shutters were not effective during the Hurricane and they were blown off.
Plastic shutters were effective during the Hurricane.
Those are not plastic shutters
23. Most structural failure observed after the hurricane Charley appeared to be the result of inadequate design and construction methods commonly used before the 2001 FBC; some failures were caused by lack of maintenance or poor condition of the building and its structural elements.
24. It was observed that the performance of the manufactured houses against the hurricane was a function of age of the building and the regulations to which the units were designed, constructed and installed. Widespread damage was observed to manufactured housing designed and constructed prior to the 1976 HUD.
25. Buildings designed and constructed to resist wind loads prescribed in the 2001 FBC and to the requirements of ASCE 7-98 performed well and showed how improvements to the building codes have been successful in Florida. Structural damages, however is still occurring during code level events such as Hurricane Charley.
26. Breach of the building envelope through broken windows, failed doors, or loss of sheathing will not lead to rapid and uncontrolled increases of the internal air pressure in buildings.
27. Observations have shown that roof covers and their accessories do not get damaged during hurricane.
28. Aggregate roof surfacing does not cause debris damage when aggregate was blown off the roofs by high wind.
29. For all roof systems, inadequate attentions were typically given to edge flashing, coping, and gutter/downspout design and installation despite being located in the roof areas subject to the highest wind pressure. Failure of these roofing components often initiated roof membrane lifting and peeling.
30. Windows and glazed doors can be protected in all wind regions using shutter systems, laminated glazing systems, and other means of opening protection.
31. Which one of the following are the benefits of shutters.
They minimize an inrush of air that might cause a building not designed for internal pressures to fail structurally
They protect against the intrusion of wind driven rain that could enter and un-shuttered broken window.
All of the above.