Climate Change and Evolved Pavements

Quiz Questions


1. The impact on pavements will mainly arise from flooding and high temperatures leading to ____________________?
Lower strength of the pavement to withstand load
Deformation of the Highway under load
Whole sale melting of the road
All of the above
2. There are five main areas of carbon emissions in a typical construction project, which of the following is not one of them?
Project Management
Embodied Carbon
None of the above
3. Flood risk in the UK can arise from a number of sources including _________________ .
Tidal/Coastal Flooding
Fluvial Flooding
Flash Flooding
All of the above
4. ____________ is used to describe the extent and return periods of different flood types over a given area.
Flood mapping
Flood flow chart
Flood training
None of the above
5. Prolonged dry periods of weather can result in groundwater lowering which can result in desiccation related shrinkage cracks in peat deposits.
6. Which of the following methods are available to stabilize marginally stable or failed cutting and embankment slopes?
Crest drainage
Counterfort drains/buttressing
Soil nailing
All of the above
7. When _____________ on a large scale is cleared from an area of a slope, there is a gradual reduction in soil strength due to the loss of evapotranspiration effects and root decay over time.
None of the above
8. ________________ is main structural layer whose purpose is to spread stresses induced by repeated loading over the foundation and to withstand internal stresses without deformation or excessive cracking.
Surface Course
Sub base
Base and Binder Course
Capping Layer
9. As bitumen is thermoplastic, deformation or rutting of asphalt becomes progressively greater at higher temperatures when the binder softens.
10. Increased temperatures will result in an __________ in the volumetric dimensions of concrete slabs.
No effect
None of the above
11. ___________ rain fall due to climate change will result in increased erosion and scour with unsurfaced pavements.
All of the above
12. Which of the following actions can be taken to mitigate Asphalt Deformation?
Select deformation resistant material type
Specify appropriate binder grade
Specify high level of compaction
All of the above
13. The _________ calculator software is an execution of the protocol which enables the user to calculate the CO2e emissions associated with individual asphalt products and applications.
None of the above
14. Key aims of the Flood and Water Management Act 2011 are ____________?
To clarify organizational responsibility for flood risk management
To improve drought/water shortage management
To improve water quality and promote sustainable water management
All of the above
15. Which of the following is not an advantage of Hot Rolled Asphalt?
Deformation under load
Resistant to cracking
Resistant to erosion
Provides a skid resistant surface
16. Grouted macadams are available in two variants, which are
Cementitious grouted macadams
Laying grouted macadams
Asphaltic grouted macadams.
Both A and B
Both A and C
17. If _________ penetrates and is retained in the pavement structure it becomes susceptible to the action of the freezethaw cycles.
18. Rural traffic loads have increased with the increase in weight of private and commercial vehicles. As a result fatting up of the surface occurs leading to _____________________?
Pick up of binder on car and cycle tyres and by pedestrians
Surface deformation in the wheel tracks which hold water – this may not always be present if the traffic levels are low
Good skid resistance in the dry and possibly dangerous levels when wet
Only A and B
19. Concrete paving during high summer temperatures will result in large joint gaps during the winter which in turn will create increased strain for joint fillers and seal materials. In order to minimise this potential problem, concreting during hot summer months would be undesirable and specification restrictions will be required in future
20. Clay shrinkage causing ground movement and tree roots draining water – These can be avoided by _______________ ?
Investigation of the insitu ground conditions
Keep the footway structure well drained during its service life
Avoiding locating the footway near large trees
All of the above