Concrete Hydraulic Structures, Time-History Dynamic Analysis

Quiz Questions

1. The Operating Basis Earthquake is defined as an earthquake that can reasonably be expected to occur within the service life of the project, that is, with a 50 percent probability of exceedance during the service life.
2. The resisting forces are obtained from the cohesion and frictional forces and driving forces from the resultant of static and seismic forces in the tangential direction of the sliding surface.
3. Concrete hydraulic structures are built using both plain and lightly reinforced forms of concrete construction and may be supported by rock, soil, or pile foundations.
4. What does figure 2-1 illustrate about?
(Refer Pg 2-2)
Types of concrete hydraulic structures
Earthquake analysis
Free body diagrams
None of the above
5. An Gravity dam is a solid concrete hydraulic structure curved in plan and possibly in elevation, which transmits a large portion of the water pressure and other loads by means of thrust (arch action) to the abutment, therefore utilizing the compressive strength of its material.
6. Massive concrete guide walls control navigation conditions in the upper and lower approach areas of a lock structure. The purpose of the walls is to guide towboat traffic and other vessels into and out of the locks.
7. What does OBE stand for?
Operating Basis Earthquake
Operational Basic Earthquake
Occupational Basic Earthquake
None of the above
8. The frequency response function of a system is the ratio of response (output) amplitude to input amplitude when the input is a complex exponential or sinusoid.
9. The demand-capacity ratio (DCR) for plain concrete is defined as the ratio of computed tensile stress to tensile strength of the concrete.
10. What does MDE stand for?
Maximum Design Earthquake
Moment Design Earthquake
Maximum Design Engineering
None of the above
11. The approximate level of earthquake damage in freestanding intake towers can be assessed using the linear time-history analysis procedures.
12. What does CPGA stand for?
Critical peak ground acceleration
Central peak ground acceleration
Central probability ground acceleration
None of the above
13. Spectrum matching is conducted by adding (subtracting) elementary wavelets to (from) the initial acceleration time-history.
14. Foundation rock properties for use in structural analyses include shear strength and rock mass modulus of deformation.
15. Viscous damping is commonly used in the time-domain solution, whereas the hysteretic damping factor taken as twice the viscous damping ratio is usually employed in the frequency domain solution.
16. What does ACI stand for?
American Concrete Institute
Association for Concrete Institute
American Civil Institute
None of the above
17. Foundation soil properties for use in soil-structure or SPSI studies include low-strain shear wave velocity or shear modulus of soil layers, mass density, Poisson’s ratio, material damping, and variation of shear modulus and damping with strain.
18. The performance of the dam is evaluated based on contours showing the extreme and instantaneous stress distribution over the entire dam at critical instants of time, as well as stress time-histories indicating magnitude and number of excursions of peak stresses beyond maximum allowable values and their relationship to surrounding stresses.
19. The objectives of the soil-pile-structure-interaction analysis are:
To compute peak values and time histories of dynamic pile forces and moments for the combined horizontal and vertical earthquake excitations
To evaluate pile interaction factors for assessing demand/capacity ratio of piles
To compute peak values and time histories of dynamic section forces and moments at critical sections of the lock structure for reinforcement design
All of the above
20. Earthquake ground motions generate two types of dynamic fluid pressures in a lock structure impulsive and convective. The convective pressure represents the effects of that portion of the fluid that moves in unison with the lock; the impulsive pressure represents the effects of the sloshing action of the fluid.