Florida Contractor Continuing Education

The Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB) approved courses.

Provider; FDA ( Failure & Damage Analysis, Inc.)
CILB provider #0005904
License Number PVD1258

Continuing Education CE Courses for Florida Contractors

Our CE courses satisfy all 14 Hours of continuing education required by CILB licensees for renewal and/or reinstatement of their license or certificate. The following pre-approved courses by CILB meet the requirements for Florida Registered Contractors, Florida Certified Contractor, including Palm Beach and Pinellas County Contractors.

$9 CE for Florida Contractors

Satisfy all 14 hours here…!!! Affordable and Fast…!!!

Our courses apply to the following CILB licensees for renewal and /or reinstatement

  • General Contractor (CG/RG),
  • Building Contractor (CB/RB),
  • Class A Air-Conditioning Contractor (CA/RA) ,
  • Class B Air-Conditioning Contractor (CA/RA),
  • Class C Air-Conditioning Contractor (CA/RA),
  • Residential Contractor (CR/RR),
  • Roofing Contractor (CC/RC),
  • Mechanical Contractor (CM/RM),
  • Plumbing Contractor (CF/RF),
  • Pollutant Storage Systems Contractor (PC),
  • Sheet Metal Contractor (CS/RS),
  • Specialty Contractor (SCC) Solar Contractor (CV),
  • Underground Utility and Excavation Contractor (CU/RU),

Our courses do not apply for the following contractors

  • Commercial Pool/Spa Contractor (CP/RP),
  • Residential Pool/Spa Contractor (CP/RP),
  • Swimming Pool/Spa Servicing Contractor (CP/RP)

You can complete all your 14 hours requirements with the following courses at $9/PDH...!!!

Florida Contractor Continuing Education Courses

ID Course Name PDH Price
OL543Florida Contractors - Impact of Rework in Construction Cost
#CILB Provider 0005904 Approved Course No. 0613134
OL542Florida Contractors - Wind mitigation in Florida
#CILB Provider 0005904 Approved Course No. 0613239
OL541Florida Contractors - Florida Workers' Compensation
#CILB Provider 0005904 Approved Course No. 0613238
OL540Florida Contractors - Laws and Rules
#CILB Provider 0005904 Approved Course No. 0613236
OL539Florida Contractors - Workplace Safety
#CILB Provider 0005904 Approved Course No. 0613237
OL538Florida Contractors - Advance Internet Florida Building Code
#CILB Provider 0005904 Approved Course No. 0613879

All registered contractors and certified contractors are required to complete fourteen (14) hours of continuing education each renewal cycle. Of the fourteen (14) hours, one (1) hour shall be required in each of the following topics:

  1. Specialized or advanced module course approved by the Florida Building Commission, or the Board;
  2. Workplace safety;
  3. Business practices;
  4. Workers' compensation; and
  5. Laws and rules regulating the construction industry;
  6. Wind mitigation methodologies, if a license is held in the following category: General, Building, Residential, Roofing, Specialty Structure, or Glass and Glazing.
  7. Pool electrical requirements, if a license is held in the following category: Commercial pool/spa, Residential pool/spa, Swimming pool/spa servicing, or Residential pool/spa servicing specialty.

The remaining hours may include any of the aforementioned subject matter or general topics as defined hereinafter.

  • Take all your continuing education pdh Quizzes for FREE until passed ..!!
  • You can not have multiple certificates for your associates and other co-workers in your office or friends by purchasing one course. It's one certificate per purchase.
  • If you want to pay by check, print the screen when you are taking the quiz, take the quiz and mail it in with a check to our address. We will grade your quiz and fax/email your certificate after you pass.