Design Guide for Improving School Safety

Credit: 30 PDH Hours
Course Fee: $349.00
361 pages

How it Work!

  1. Register first and log into your account. Study and take the quiz for FREE until passed.
  2. After passing the quiz, follow the page, pay for the course and print your certificate.

Course Summary:

Every building is unique and there is great variety in school design; however, the purpose of schools, their occupancy, their economic basis, and their role in the social scene mean that there are certain common features of schools that distinguish them from other building types. A summary of the national public school inventory is presented (i.e., how many students it houses and how many schools it contains) and projections of future needs are also outlined. School design of the past is discussed, because many older schools are still in use and must be renovated periodically to meet today’s needs. The present state of school design is also discussed and some trends and ideas that might influence future schools are identified.

Learning Objective:

  • An overview of the school design and construction process designing for performance
  • Multi hazard design
  • Making school safe against earthquakes
  • Making schools safe against floods
  • Making schools safe against winds

Review the quiz before studying the course.

Course Content

Course Author: Federal Emergency Management Agency

Certificate of completion of the course

This course comes with a multiple-choice quiz. You can view the quiz and take the quiz if you are logged in your account. You can take the quiz for this online PDH course as many times until passed. The passing grade is 70% and above. After you pass the quiz simply follow the page, to pay for the course and print your certificate instantly. A copy of the certificate and receipt for this course will always be in your account.

This online PDH course can also be used as a continuing education course for the following.


PE Civil Engineers

PE Structural Engineers

PE Mechanical Engineers

PE Electrical Engineers

Safety and Failure Analysis

Home and Building Inspectors

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