Fire Detection and Suppression for Building in Historic District

Quiz Questions

1. Which one of the following are typical ignition sources in historic buildings
Electric wiring
Heating equipment
Fire in adjacent building
All of the above
2. The following materials commonly ignited in building fires.

  • Combustible waste
  • Combustible storage
  • Furniture & curtains
  • Wood construction
  • Flammable liquids
  • Holiday decorations
  • Clothing
3. Automatic door closers help reduce the spread of fire through a building and maintain a safe exit route for its occupants. Fire doors are held open by electromagnetic devices that will release and close the doors when the fire alarm activates.
4. Fire alarm systems consist of several main components including control panels, initiating devices such as manual fire alarm pull stations and automatic smoke and/or fire detectors, alarm notification devices, and in some instances additional features such as door closers and damper controls.
5. Smoke detectors replicate the human senses of sight and smell and are used to identify the “incipient” or smoldering fire before it becomes advanced.
The human senses
Dog senses
6. Spot Detectors. The most common smoke detector is the spot detector, which is placed along ceilings or walls at nominal ________ (top right). They are available in fast responding ionization and photoelectric models and very fast but more costly laser-based models.
30 ft spacing
60 ft spacing
100 ft spacing
7. Heat detectors are the oldest type of automatic device and are designed to trigger an alarm when the room’s temperature reaches a set temperature usually ___________, or if there is an abnormally fast change to the room’s temperature. Heat detectors can be either “spot” devices that are located at nominal 30-50 feet spacing, or as heat sensing cables routed throughout the protected space, called “line” devices.
8. Heat detectors should never be used for life safety including bedrooms and escape corridors. Heat detectors are best used where the space is subject to sub-freezing temperatures and smoke detectors may not be effective.
9. Which one of the following could be benefits of automatic fire suppression:
Fast respond to the fire
Reduced damage
Enhanced life safety
Reduced insurance costs
All of the above
10. It is important to realize that water flow from a sprinkler is initiated by its individual thermal element. Contrary to popular misconception the only sprinklers that will operate are those in the immediate vicinity of the fire. Statistically, more than 82% of all fires are controlled by four or fewer simultaneously operating sprinkler heads. What’s more, smoke does NOT initiate sprinklers, so burning dinner will not activate the system.
11. Water damage from sprinklers is another common concern. However, each sprinkler head distributes an average of 15 to 20 gallons per minute of flow, significantly less water than is introduced to the building by fire hoses, which dispense
100 – 250 gallons per minute.
5-10 gallons per minute.
200-500 gallons per minute.
12. Fire sprinklers cannot shut themselves off. Therefore, to reduce water damage, the building owner should provide the fire department with the location of the shut-off valves when a sprinkler system is installed so that they can readily go to the valve location if the owner is not present when a fire occurs.
Can shut themselves off
Cannot shut themselves off
13. Water mist systems are the newest generation of sprinklers and are used where excessive water damage must be avoided, where water supplies are limited or restricted (i.e. rural properties), or where a building’s construction makes use of conventional pipe sizes problematic.
Must be avoided
Is allowed
14. The main disadvantage of a wet pipe system is that they cannot be used for spaces that are subject to _____________ temperatures.
15. Dry Pipe Sprinkler Systems use compressed air or nitrogen to fill pipes rather than water. This air prevents water from entering the pipes. When the sprinkler operates, the compressed air is released, allowing water flow to the sprinkler.
16. Dry-pipe sprinkler systems are only recommended in buildings or portions thereof where freezing can occur.