Green Building Codes-Going Beyond Code

Quiz Questions

1. The term "beyond code" that cities have started to adopt, surpasses which one of the following Codes?
International Residential Code (IRC),
International Building Code (IBC),
International Mechanical Code (IMC),
The International Energy Conservation Code (IECC),
The standards produced by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE),
All of the above
2. In Phase 1 that was adopted in 2009which one of the following energy efficiency and water conservation requirements were implemented.
Achieve a 7% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels by 2012
Require that all new homes are built 15% more efficient than code and meet 4 of 6 water efficiency strategies
Commercial buildings less than 50,000 square feet must be 15% more efficient than code, while those greater than 50,000 square feet must meet 85% of LEED requirements
All of the above
3. In Phase II which started in 2011 which one of the followings were expanded by initiatives for new buildings into a comprehensive green building standard requirement.
All commercial buildings must be LEED certifiable, with minimum of three Energy and Atmosphere points (17.5% better than code).
All new homes must meet LEED for Homes or the Green Built North Texas Standard
Both above.
4. According to this article, before embarking on a new program, municipalities must first evaluate existing zoning laws and other regulations for conflicts. For example, prohibitions on solar panels, solar water heating, graywater reuse, clotheslines, and rainwater capture may interfere with successful program implementation. More flexible parking requirements may be needed for both residential and commercial properties. Requirements for high water demand landscaping should be evaluated, along with any other municipal requirements that are contrary to the community’s sustainability goals.
5. The Denver Metro Regional Green Building project illustrates and effective stakeholder process. During 2008, SWEEP held stakeholder meetings in Colorado to determine if there was interest in regional collaboration for a green building program. The group identified two goals:

  1. To agree on a national standard as the foundation for the program.
  2. To develop a voluntary program that is flexible to support the needs of each local community.

Which one of the following sections was recommended by the group?

Recommended Commercial Program: IgCC incorporating by reference ASHRAE Standard 189.1; Alternative Compliance Path: LEED
Recommended Residential Programs: Prerequisite: ES 3.0 Recommended Residential Program: ICC 700/ National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB) National Green Building Standard (NGBS); Alternative Compliance Path: LEED for Homes
Both above.
6. Which one of the followings is already offered as an incentive in various cities across the US for Green Building participation and compliance?
Expedited permitting
Financial incentives ( LEED certification fee reimbursement)
Property tax relief
Income tax credit
Utility rate reduction
Greater access to rebates, grants and other financial incentives
All of the above
7. Jurisdictions often evaluate the benefits and costs associated with voluntary and mandatory programs. With strong consensus and broad stakeholder support, many communities choose to adopt mandatory programs for new homes, new commercial buildings, or both. Adopting programs collaboratively with neighboring jurisdictions also allows for mandated programs. Jurisdictions without strong support can begin with a voluntary program, with or without a plan for eventually transitioning to mandatory requirements. Unless the voluntary program has a strong market transformation component, mandatory programs ________ ultimately be necessary to achieve the desired improvements in building design and construction practices.
May not
8. Beyond code programs, whether voluntary or mandatory, generally incorporate different elements of construction and performance of new buildings. Which one of the followings would be included in the program?
Site selection and development
Energy efficiency
Water conservation
Materials and resources
Indoor air quality, or environment
Owners’ building operations manuals
All of the above
9. Table 4.1 illustrates
how site selection and site development can be incorporated into beyond code programs.
The new site requirements in beyond code programs.
10. The adoption and enforcement of the most recently published versions of the IECC and ASHRAE 90.1 in communities across the country is a critical step forward. However, more can be done. Beyond code programs offer an opportunity to increase energy efficiency further. Which one of the followings are challenge to Jurisdictions for increasing energy efficiency in their community: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Adopting an energy efficiency standard through either:
a. Limiting focus to the building energy, or b. Developing a comprehensive program that includes measures beyond the building.
Determining whether to include residential or commercial construction (or both) in the program
Selecting a standard of measurement (IECC, HERS, etc.) and energy efficiency goal or performance target
Determining who is responsible for verification and enforcement
All of the above
11. Beyond code programs offer an opportunity for transformation. The value of building energy efficiency has been known for some time, but the beyond code programs integrate efficiency into a better building, the use of best practices and industry innovations serve to maximize energy efficiency and conservation, a key component of overall sustainability.
12. Verification and enforcement pose a challenge to adopting any new code. One benefit of using a national standard is often third-party verification. Which one of the followings could allow jurisdictions to increase standards?
HERS Index ratings,
ENERGY STAR certification
LEED certification
All of the above
13. Highly efficient homes are often identified by ES as at least 15% more efficient than the IECC, and Net Zero Capable Energy Homes are 40-60% more efficient than the IECC. Locally developed programs, the ICC 700, and LEED for Homes include measures to
reduce building energy consumption.
Reduce water consumption
14. Highly efficient commercial buildings are usually identified by their percent more efficient than ASHRAE 90.1 2004 or 2007, typically 30-50% beyond code or better. The New Buildings Institute defines high performance as 50% beyond (NBI 2010), and the new ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide 50% Series offers tools and recommendations for practical products and off-the-shelf technologies to help achieve a 50% energy savings compared to buildings that meet the minimum requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004.
15. Water consumption in the United States continues to rise. With the increased demand and changes in the climate, water in the aquifers has dropped and supplies are becoming a concern. Which one of the following, beyond code should focus on to improve water efficiency?
Indoor water use reduction through use of high efficiency plumbing fixtures, fittings, and appliances
Increased water efficiency of equipment such as HVAC, commercial kitchen, and medical/laboratory equipment
Outdoor water use reduction through water efficient landscaping and high efficiency irrigation systems
Alternative water sources such as rainwater harvesting
Water metering and automatic controls
All of the above
16. LEED-based programs address water efficiency, providing optional points for water efficient landscaping, wastewater technology, and building water use reduction. However, many policy makers in arid and semi-arid climates feel that LEED certification does not adequately address their concerns. For example, LEED NC 2.2 does not address a holistic approach to indoor water efficiency that includes kitchen and process water use. Currently, LEED points ____________ for reducing landscaping irrigation demands by 50-100%, reducing indoor water use in plumbing fixtures (toilets, urinals, faucets, and showers) by 20-30%, and implementing innovative wastewater technology. It should be noted that future iterations of LEED plan to include a more comprehensive approach to indoor water efficiency.
Can be earned only
Could be earned
17. Water efficiency is a highly important issue for many regions across the United States and localities should consider including interior and exterior water efficiency measures in their beyond code programs. Which one of the following could be recommended for water efficiency?
Interior water use: equipment water efficiency requirements in EPA WaterSense New Single-Family Homes Specification, ASHRAE 189.1, IgCC, or GPMCS
Exterior water use: 50% reduction in potable water consumption for landscaping; limited turf area, efficient irrigation design, and advanced controls
Both above
18. Table 4.4, shows:
Water Efficiency in Beyond Code Programs in different cities and States
Electricity efficiency in different States
19. Many things can contribute to the IEQ and need to be considered from the earliest design stages to building occupancy. Which one of the followings are consistently addressed by beyond code programs:
Indoor air quality including elements of ventilation rates, filtration, outdoor air delivery, and tobacco smoke controls
Thermal comfort of occupants, regulating both temperature and humidity
Specifying less harmful materials, minimizing the harmful chemicals and potentially irritating emissions
Acoustical control from both external and internal sources
Daylighting to provide additional controlled lighting of areas
Isolation of the building from pollutants in the soil
All of the above
20. The purpose of this guide was:
Providing recommendations and guidance for the successful adoption, integration, and implementation of locally and nationally developed programs
Addressing critical issues that jurisdictions must consider when adopting or developing a green building or beyond code program
Detailing the elements that promote sustainable development in a typical beyond code program
Analyzing savings and cost effectiveness of green building
Reviewing and analyzing successful beyond code programs
All of the above