Green Building - Greening Federal Facilities

Quiz Questions

1. Electric motor systems that operate continuously or for many hours a year consume electricity that costs many times the price of the motor. This makes inefficient, large horsepower motors excellent targets for replacement. If the driven load operates at reduced speed for a majority of the time, installing electronic motor controls would both reduce energy consumption and save operating costs.
2. Electrical power systems can be made more efficient through (1) maintenance practices focused on identifying potential trouble areas such as loose electrical connections, and (2) selection of efficient equipment, such as transformers.
3. Building shells are the physical barrier controlling external heat gain and heat loss. The best opportunities for energy efficiency are in facility design, building orientation and configuration; fenestration; and envelope design. These have substantial impact on building performance. There are many retrofit strategies that can improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings. Window and door treatments can minimize energy transmission through the shell.
4. By reducing building loads, less heating and cooling energy is expended. Load reduction measures include: adding insulation; shading harsh wind and sun exposures with trees, shadescreens, awnings, or window treatments minimizing use of heat-producing equipment, such as office equipment and computers; daylighting; controlling interior lighting; and capturing heat from exhaust air
5. If failure rates are __________________, dirt, corrosion, water hammering, and freezing are the usual causes.
6. Converting chillers to use alternative refrigerants will lower their performance and capacity. The capacity loss may not be a problem with converted units, since existing units may have been oversized when originally installed, and there may have been load reduction through energy conservation activities.
7. _______________________________ have two possible pathways for rejecting condenser heat. One pathway is a conventional cooling tower. The other pathway is heat recovery for space heating or service water heating.
Double-bundle chillers
Multiple Chillers
8. Large tonnage ground source heat pumps often consist of multiple water-source heat pumps ranging in size from 1 to 15 tons. These unitary heat pumps are typically connected to a common ground-coupled water loop. With this arrangement, each small heat pump is responsible for an individual control zone, yet each can take advantage of the stable heat source and heat sink temperatures of the ground-coupled loop.
9. An engine-driven cooling system cannot be similar to a conventional electric cooling system, except the compressor is driven by a natural gas engine rather than an electric motor.
10. A desiccant system converts humidity into sensible heat, and then efficiently removes that energy through heat exchange with outdoor or exhaust air.
11. Desiccant systems are _________________________________in applications with high latent loads, due to internal loads or humid climates.
Most cost effective
Less cost effective
12. Thin-film photovoltaic cells are typically 6% efficient in converting light to electricity. Thick-film cells have efficiencies on the order of 16%.
13. There are two basic wind electric turbine designs: __________________axis machines that look like egg beaters and ____________________machines that look like propellers.
Vertical, horizontal
Horizontal, vertical
14. __________________________________ have an acid electrolyte and are the most highly developed fuel cells. These have relatively low-temperature operation, around 200°C (400°F), produce on the order of 200 kW, and are commercially available.
Phosphoric acid fuel cells (PAFC)
Solid oxide electrolyte fuel cells (SOFC)
15. Piping and valves used in reclaimed water systems must be color coded with purple tags or tape in accordance with AWWA standards.
16. The basic steps in graywater recycling are: (1) collect the water from sinks, showers, washers, baths, and other sources of non-fecal, non-food laden water; (2) pipe the water to a treatment unit for physical, biological, and chemical treatment; and, (3) store the water and pump it to its ultimate end use.
17. Wood floors provide optimal environmental benefits by the use of a renewable and long-lasting material and the ability to disassemble and reuse or recycle the flooring at the end of its useful life.
18. Clear glass is recyclable for more purposes than colored glass.
19. A "wind rose" is a diagram of annual wind directions and velocity for a particular region. It is useful for plotting information on winds in order to provide natural shielding from adverse winds and utilize favorable winds for passive cooling measures.
20. White noise or sound-masking systems artificially raise the background noise level to maintain speech privacy. They consist of an array of speakers that are usually located above the finished ceiling.