Green Building Rating Systems for Existing Buildings

Quiz Questions

1. The goal of LEED for Existing Buildings is to help building owners operate their buildings in a sustainable and efficient way over the long term.
2. LEED for Existing Buildings certification is based on actual building operating performance, not design expectations. The LEED for Existing Buildings certification application must provide building performance data demonstrating that the building operation meets the LEED for Existing Buildings Prerequisites and credits attempted.
3. In order to control erosion so we can reduce negative impacts on water and air quality which one of the following should be considered.
Prevent loss of soil during construction by storm water runoff and/or wind erosion, including protecting topsoil by stockpiling for reuse,
Prevent sedimentation of storm sewer or receiving streams,
Prevent polluting the air with dust and particulate matter, and Log building operations and maintenance activity to ensure that plan has been followed.
All of the above.
4. To apply for LEED for Existing Buildings certification of your building:

  • Register your building by going to the USGBC website and following links to the LEED section ( From there click on ‘Register Your Project’ on the left-hand side of the screen and follow instructions for LEED for Existing Buildings. Be sure to log-in if you are a USGBC member to reflect your member discount for the registration fees. When your project registers, you will gain access to the LEED for Existing Buildings Version 2.0 Project Resource page on the USGBC website which includes the
5. Submittals. For the LEED certification application submittal and subsequent materials requested during the review process, submit two full copies, and the corresponding certification fee (check payable to U.S. Green Building Council) to the address shown below: USGBC
1015 18th Street NW
Suite #508
Washington DC 20036
Attention: LEED for Existing Buildings Certification Manager
6. The project team may submit as much of the documentation by CD as it finds practical. The required materials and suggested formats are as follows:

  • LEED for Existing Buildings Version 2.0 Letter Templates
  • Performance Data
  • Overall project narrative including at least three project highlights
  • Drawings and photos illustrative of the project:
    • Site plan
    • Typical floor plan
    • Typical building section
    • Typical or primary elevation
    • Photo or rendering of project
7. Preliminary Review. Within 30 days of receipt of materials the USGBC will issue the Preliminary LEED for Existing Buildings Review, noting credit achievement anticipated, pending and rejected credits.
8. Supplementary Submittal. The project team has 30 days from the receipt of the Preliminary Review to provide corrections and/or additional supporting documents (e.g., calculations, cutsheets and other backup) as a supplementary submittal to the application. Send two copies of all supplementary submittal materials to the USGBC address listed above.
9. Final Review. The USGBC conducts a Final LEED for Existing Buildings Review of the application within three weeks of receiving the re-submittal and notifies the project contact of certification status.
10. Award. Upon notification of the LEED for Existing Buildings certification, the project team has 30 days to accept or appeal the awarded certification. Upon the project’s acceptance, or if it has not appealed the rating within 30 days, the LEED for Existing Buildings certification is final. The project may then be referred to as a LEED for Existing Buildings certified project. The USGBC presents an award letter, certificate and metal LEED plaque indicating the certification level.
11. Appeal. If the project team feels that sufficient grounds exist to appeal a credit denied in the Final LEED for Existing Buildings Review, it has the option of appeal. The appeal fee is $500 per credit or prerequisite appealed. A review of these items will occur within 30 days or receipt of the appeal documentation at which time an Appeal LEED for Existing Buildings Review will be issued to the applicant. Two copies of all appeal submittal materials should be sent to the USGBC address listed above.
12. In alternative transportation, in order to Reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobile use. Which one of the following criteria should be met.
A-The building is located within 1/2 mile of a commuter rail, light rail or subway station.
B- The building is located within 1/4 mile of two or more public or campus bus lines usable by building
C- Building occupants are provided with a conveyance (shuttle link) that supplies transportation between the building and public transportation meeting the criteria in Option A or Option B above
All three Options A, B and C
Any of the options above
13. Alternative Transportation: Car Pooling and Telecommuting

To reduce pollution and land development impacts from single-occupancy vehicle use we have the following options.

Option A

  • Provide preferred parking and implement/document programs and policies for car pools or van pools capable of serving 5% of the building occupants and add no new parking.

Option B

  • Operate an occupant telecommuting program over the performance period that reduces commuting frequency by 20% for 20% or more of the building occupants and provides the necessary communications infrastructure in the building to accommodate telecommuting.
14. In order to limit disruption and pollution of natural water flows we need to:

Have a stormwater management plan in place over the performance period that is designed to mitigate runoff from the site. Mitigated stormwater is the volume of precipitation falling on the site that does not become runoff by leaving the site via means of uncontrolled surface streams, rivers, drains, or sewers. This mitigation can be accomplished through a variety of measures including perviousness of site, stormwater management practices (structural and non structural), capture of rainwater for reuse or other measures.

  • SS Credit 5.1: Have measures in place on the site that mitigate at least 25% of the annual stormwater falling on the site. (1 point)
  • SS Credit 5.2: Have measures in place on the site that mitigate at least 50% of the annual stormwater falling on the site. (1 point)
15. The requirement to show the intent to reduce the Ozone depletion is:

Zero use of CFC-based refrigerants in HVAC&R base building systems unless a third party (as defined in the LEED for Existing Buildings Reference Guide) audit shows that system replacement or conversion is not economically feasible.
Definition of required economic analysis: The replacement of a chiller will be considered to be not economically feasible if the simple payback of the replacement is greater than 10 years. To determine the simple payback, divide the cost of implementing the replacement by the annual cost avoidance for energy that results from the replacement and any difference in maintenance costs. If CFC-based refrigerants are maintained in the building, reduce annual leakage to 5% or less using EPA Clean Air Act, Title VI, Rule 608 procedures governing refrigerant management and reporting and reduce the total leakage over the remaining life of the unit to less than 30% of its refrigerant charge.

16. In order to show intent to reduce the reduction of waste generated by building occupants that is hauled to and disposed of in landfills or through incineration. We need to
provide an easily accessible area that serves the entire building and is dedicated to the separation, collection and storage of materials for recycling. The recycling area needs to include (at a minimum) space for paper, glass, plastics, cardboard and metals. Recycling area capacity needs to be designed to accommodate at a minimum the potential recycling volumes identified in the waste stream audit for paper, corrugated cardboard, glass, plastics and metals.

If it can be documented for an existing building that there are no public or private recycling services available within the region where the building is located (within 50 miles of the building) for one or more of the identified materials, the building will be granted an exception to the requirement in this prerequisite for the identified material.

17. If you divert construction, demolition and land-clearing debris from landfill and incineration disposal. Redirect recyclable recovered resources back to the manufacturing process. Redirect reusable materials to appropriate sites. You will get:
1-2 points
2-3 points
3-4 points
18. In order to establish minimum indoor air quality (IAQ) performance to enhance indoor air quality in buildings, thus contributing to the health and well-being of the occupants. We need to:

  • Modify or maintain existing building outside-air (OA) ventilation distribution system to supply at least the outdoor air ventilation rate required by ASHRAE 62.1-2004. If this is not feasible due to the physical constraints of the existing ventilation system, modify or maintain the system to supply at least 10 cubic feet per minute (CFM) per person.
  • Implement and maintain an HVAC System Maintenance Program to ensure the proper operations and maintenance of HVAC components as they relate to IAQ.
  • Test and maintain the operation of all building exhaust systems, including bathroom, shower, kitchen and parking exhaust system.
19. One of the options to prevent or minimize exposure of building occupants, indoor surfaces and systems to Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) is:

  • Prohibit smoking in the building.
  • Locate any exterior designated smoking areas at least 25 feet away from building entries, outdoor air intakes and operable windows.