Green Building; Sustainable Buildings

Quiz Questions

1. Green building means taking the environment into account during design and construction. Green buildings aim for harmony with the local environment: they benefit from it, and protect and respect it. In general, green buildings are energy efficient, water conserving, durable and nontoxic, with high-quality spaces and high recycled content materials.
2. In addition, green buildings generally have more comfortable indoor conditions, natural lighting, connections, and views to the outside and healthier indoor air. Because green buildings are healthier and more pleasant to be in, their occupants consistently show lower absenteeism, higher productivity, and, in schools, higher testing scores.
3. The Leslie Shao-ming Sun Field Station at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve is the winner of _________________________________________for 2002 and makes an excellent example of the benefits of planning ahead.
Sustainable San Mateo County’s Green Building Award
Sustainable Orange County’s Green Building Award
4. Sustainable communities never rebuild and restore empty or damaged spaces in their midst, neither do they let vacant nor contaminated sites detract from larger community goals.
5. ____________________________ means buildings that include more than one use − such as apartments or offices over ground floor retail space, or a hotel integrated with a shopping complex.
Single-use development
Multi-use development
Mixed-use development
6. Who can build mixed-use developments and provide public amenities such as open space?
Building owners
All of the above
None of the above
7. Typical subdivision plans have a single building in the center of open space on each lot. Clustered developments have larger open spaces and restricted building footprint areas.
8. Who can reuse a brownfield or a previously occupied site to build a community?
Building owners
Government agencies
Environmental engineer
All of the above
None of the above
9. Solar orientation describes the way that your building receives sunshine: south-facing walls receive strong midday sun, east and west faces get intense low-angled rays in the morning and afternoon, and the north face is shaded.
10. Solar orientation is not an excellent opportunity to make a better indoor environment and reduce energy use substantially without any increase in project cost.
11. ____________________is a crushed stone placed against foundations so that water moving through the soil will not wick into the concrete, eventually getting inside the building.
Drain rock
Soft rock
12. Reinforced concrete is a blend of water, cement, sand, and gravel (or “aggregate”) poured or sprayed into formwork around steel reinforcing bars, where it cures and hardens.
13. ____________________is a byproduct of coal-burning power plants that has binding properties similar to cement, and can be substituted for a large portion of the cement usually used to make concrete.
14. Reclaimed lumber is wood that was used in structures that have fallen out of use, such as old barns or railroad trestles. Salvaged wood also refers to previously cut and used wood, reclaimed by a salvage yard rather than a lumber company.
15. ______________________are designed to reflect the heat that comes with sunshine. They can be bright white membrane roofs, paint-on coatings (for retrofit applications), or light-colored or specially designed tiles and shingles.
Cool roofs
Green roofs
16. Metal roofs reduce heat gains inside and protect your roof’s waterproofing layers, adding great durability. They prevent storm water runoff. They can even replace habitat for species that is lost under the footprint of new construction. Many can be used as beautiful outdoor garden spaces for building occupants.
17. Typical decking is made of durable wood that are endangered − particularly redwood − and that are generally not sustainably harvested. Plastic lumber (which contains recycled high density polyethylene, not PVC) and plastic-wood hybrid lumber are more sustainable substitutes for decking.
18. Air leakage or infiltration in building terms, is a major source of unwanted heat gain in summer and heat loss in winter. Window and door frames or openings are the most common major locations of air leakage.
19. Black water refers to wastewater from sinks, showers, and laundry − in distinction to Gray water from toilets and urinals.
20. A building energy management system (BEMS) is a computer that controls all major building equipment such as heating, ventilation, and air conditioning units, elevators, lighting, etc.