Guidelines for a Successful Construction Project

Quiz Questions

1. Each employer whether it be general contractor, prime contractor or subcontractor __________ separately responsible for all specific safety requirements promulgated by any governmental authority, including without limitation, the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended ("OSHA"), and all standards and regulations which have been or shall be promulgated by parties or agencies which administer the Act. With respect to the requirements of OSHA, each contractor and subcontractor is responsible for the acts of its employees and for appropriate recordkeeping and reporting.
Shall be
Shall not be
2. Specific timing for the availability of each temporary facility should be established during the preconstruction conference (see C.1. Pre construction Conferences).

Before the established times, each contractor or subcontractor should satisfy its own requirements for such services.

3. The contract documents prepared by the architect and engineer ________ clearly indicate the location of existing on-site and off-site utilities, and, where applicable, the quantity and conditions of use with respect to the specific type of temporary services and temporary facilities.
Should not
4. Understand requirements applying to your work by reviewing:

  • Your contractual responsibilities
  • Responsibilities of the owner, CM/GC, GC or other participants

When determining the responsible party, the appropriate specification section can be utilized and modified to fit project specific requirements. After determining your contractual responsibilities, a plan can be developed by using the guideline below supplemented by project specific requirements, including who is to pay the temporary services costs.

5. The general contractor and individual subcontractors should be responsible for providing hoisting of their own materials on construction of (fill-in based on grade state or local practice) floors or less above. A tower hoist or other hoisting facility of suitable capacity to carry all normal items of material should be provided on a preagreed basis to subcontractors by the general contractor on construction more of than (fill-in) floors.

Subcontractors should conform to a mutually agreeable schedule during normal working hours. Hoisting facilities should be maintained until the bulk of all materials are stored in the building. When materials exceed the capacity of normal hoisting facilities in either size or weight, or demand excessive time, the individual subcontractor should be required to make its own arrangements.

When the magnitude of the work force and the height of the work requires, a suitable personnel elevator or man lift should also be provided by the general contractor.

6. OSHA compliance for all hoists, conveyors, and elevators on the job site _______ the responsibility of the installing contractor. Maintenance of the facilities in compliance with the law is the responsibility of the contractor or subcontractors operating the equipment.
is not
7. The general contractor __________ provide guardrails, handrails and covers for floor, roof and wall openings and perimeters, and stairways installed and/or constructed by its own forces. If movement of these protective facilities is required for the subcontractor to perform its work, it should be the responsibility of that subcontractor to give prior notification to the general contractor and to replace same in satisfactory manner.
Should not
8. When it comes to security which one of the following should be of any conceren?
Does the project require security fencing?
Will you be interfacing with or subject to existing client security plans? If so, familiarize yourself
with the requirements and determine any impact to your personnel and plan.
Does the project require off-hours security patrols and/or staffed gates?
Locate adequate gates to support traffic flow.
Determine who will be responsible to open and close gates to support work hours.
Will the security plan require modification throughout the project to support different phase requirements?
All of the above
9. When it comes to parking it should be cleared:

a. Where will onsite management, workers, visitors, inspectors, client representatives, and others park?
b. If space is limited, investigate options for offsite parking and logistics for getting workers to and from the site. Review local labor requirements for terms related to offsite parking and travel time for additional cost impacts.

10. For break and lunch facilities it should be cleared:

a. What are the local requirements for break/lunch facilities?
b. Determine peak headcount for your employees.
c. Determine your space requirements (25sf/person average)
d. Where can you locate or can you use existing facilities or the work area?

11. The general contractor should be responsible for furnishing adequate temporary toilet and wash-up facilities on the job site.

a. What are the local requirements for facilities?
b. If flush toilets and running water are required, locate facilities to minimize utility runs.
c. Provide separate facilities for men and women as needed.

12. The general contractor should coordinate the allocation of storage areas to the various subcontractors.

a. Determine lay-down, storage, staging requirements
b. Will there be any onsite storage available other than inside the work area?
c. Establish maximum loading restrictions, if appropriate.

13. During construction, the general contractor should provide temporary lighting (via the electrical contractor) as follows:

a. Exterior: Provides security lighting and general lighting in trailer, parking, lay down, traffic, and other exterior areas to support project work hours.
b. Interior: Meets the OSHA minimum requirements for general access lighting. Subcontractors should be responsible for task specific lighting needs.

14. The general contractor should be responsible for providing trash receptacles on each floor of the building. Each contractor or subcontractor should be responsible for collecting and depositing its debris in such collection facilities.

The general contractor should be responsible for the removal of all debris from the jobsite. Trash and debris should not be allowed to accumulate.

15. The general contractor should provide the general temporary fire protection requirements. Subcontractors should be responsible for their own specialty requirements.

Permanent fire protection equipment used for fire protection during construction should be the responsibility of the installing contractor.

16. The Contractor and Owner waive Claims against each other for consequential damages arising out of or relating to this Contract.
17. When a change order is initiated by the owner or owner’s agent, the process should begin with a request for proposal (RFP). The RFP should contain all the information needed by the contractor or subcontractors to make a reasonable and realistic estimate of the costs and the time needed to implement the change.
18. When a change order is initiated by the contractor or a subcontractor, the approved project procedure should be followed. The Change Order should include, at a minimum:

  1. The reason for the proposed change, a reference to the plans and specifications, the benefit to the owner and the project, and the effect of the change on the project sequence.
  2. The effect of the proposed change on the contract time and price in sufficient detail to permit proper evaluation by the contractor, the owner, and the owner’s agent.
  3. A reasonable but definite time period for the owner to accept or reject the change proposal without interruption or delay in the project schedule.
19. According to prompt payment cycle flow chart contractor makes payment to subcontractor in:
15 days
22 days
30 days
20. The form E-1 is:
Subbid Proposal
Subcontractor’s application for payment
Work authorization form
Change proposal/order Form