Promise Based Management

Quiz Questions

1. To create and execute an effective promise, the "provider" of the promise and its "customer" move through ______________ phases:
2 Phases
3 phases
2. Meeting of minds. The customer requests something from the provider. Both clarify how the request will be fulfilled, why it’s important to the customer, when it will be fulfilled, and which resources will be used. This phase ends
when the provider makes a promise the customer accepts.
When the provider and customer shake hands
3. Making it happen. The provider executes on the promise, while he and the customer continue interpreting and reinterpreting their agreement in light of any reshuffled priorities or reallocated resources. The provider renegotiates delivery terms if he realizes he can’t satisfy the promise. The customer initiates renegotiations if his priorities or circumstances change. This phase ends when the provider declares the task complete and submits it to the customer for evaluation.
4. Closing the loop. The customer publicly declares that the provider has delivered the goods or failed to do so. Each offers the other
The contract that they signed
feedback on how to work together more effectively in the future.
5. According to the chart in page 5, the root cause pf Employees being disengaged is:
Employees fail to see the link between corporate strategy and their own activities.
Employees feel they can’t decline or renegotiate requests, and they end up overcommitting.
All of the above
6. According to the chart in page 5, the remedy for an organization that lacks clear accountability is :
Make every employee the person in charge!
Ensure that promises are made publicly, track progress toward delivery in a transparent manner, and publicly declare satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the results.
7. According to the chart in page 5, the root cause for The organization to have lacks of agility is that Managers are slow to capture emerging opportunities because they try to come to complete agreement in their assessments and strive for perfect solutions.
8. According to the chart in page 5, the organization is trapped in the status quo. When the senior executives articulate a new strategy, but the firm continues in its __________. Or the firm executes well in crisis mode but lapses into old routines once the crisis has passed.
New ways
Old news
9. The remedy for an organization that is trapped in the status quo is:
Recognize that a change in strategy requires a new set of promises.
Articulate the promises necessary to execute the new strategy, and assign customer and provider roles where absent.
Aggressively publicize when providers deliver on new promises.
All of the above
10. Which one of the following characteristics are considered good promises:
Mission based
All of the above