Taking Social Media From Talk To Action

Quiz Questions

1. Without monitoring conversations on the Web,
You spend more time at your desk doing your work
you won’t know who’s talking about your brand, your products, or your services
2. For many companies, social media use is still viewed as an experiment, where discrete projects are launched, usually by a few individuals in marketing or communications. Some said they limit their activities because they are in a "test" mode and lack resources to do more. Others said the organizations are wary because they perceive dangers in exposure and lack of control of the conversation on the Web.
3. We know that people are out in social media channels seeking information and researching. We need to use social media to:
Monitor their activity
influence their buying behavior.
4. When it comes to social media, it is hard to define value when we are still trying to measure it. We will get it eventually, but right now we are stabbing in the dark for measurement criteria
5. One of the important aspects of the social media is:
To have a good website
Ability to identify where on the web most important customers are talking about your brand/services
6. For instance, in April 2010, a study by Performics and ROI Research found that 33% of Twitter users share opinions about companies or products at least once per week. More than _________ make recommendations or seek guidance.
7. Indeed many companies are just beginning to see the need for social media measurement. Only half (51%) said they were aware of the term social media analytics, which are the tools used for measuring, analyzing and interpreting the results of interactions between brands and consumers across digital channels. That recognition of the term jumped to 75% among effective users.
8. A recent study by The Nielsen Company shows a dramatic shift in online activity toward social media. Americans are spending more than a third (36 %) of their online time "communicating and networking across social networks, blogs, personal email and instant messaging." This is a ____% increase over 2009.
9. Morgan Stanley predicts that there will be more than 100 million iPhone subscribers by the end of 2011. Facebook’s CEO reports that the site will have more than 1 billion users in 2011
10. Successful organizations will not view social media as an island of information, but rather as another primary data source that is constantly monitored, captured, managed, and analyzed alongside other traditional data sources.