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History of Coastal Engineering

Quiz Questions

1. With global navigation came the European discovery of the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, and other areas of the world, soon followed by migration and colonization. Trade developed with previously unreachable countries and new colonies.
2. The Coastal Engineering Research Board (CERB) and CERC followed the lead of their predecessor, the BEB, in pursuing field measurements and basic coastal processes research. The argument was that more research would produce more data, provide for more sound coastal engineering approaches, and lead to greater savings.
3. The FRF’s (Field Research Facility) advantages of ocean location, research pier, sophisticated infrastructure, synoptic and continuing hydrodynamic and process database, and experienced staff are unique in the United States.
4. In the early 1990s, due to political and policy changes, Federal funding for the beach erosion control and flood control projects was severely curtailed and closely regulated. This resulted in reduced research funding and a decrease in the number of new beach erosion control and flood control studies at CERC and the Hydraulics Laboratory.
5. As expected, many landing-craft and amphibious-vehicle casualties were due to enemy action, but many were related to problems with waves and currents causing capsizing, swamping, broaching, getting stuck on bars and, when the ramps were down, filling with water and sand. Another major problem was beach traffic ability.
6. The Army has two sizes of self-elevating pier systems, known as De Long barges. These units are honeycomb-like, welded-steel, box-girder structures consisting of plates and stiffeners that are towed to a site where a temporary harbor is being built or an existing port rehabilitated. The units are anchored on pneumatic caissons that are forced into the sea bed with air jacks. The units can be used on non cohesive beds but are unsuitable for rock, organic materials, or wet clays and silts.
7. Location of 57 large congressionally authorized shore protection and beach erosion control projects is represented in which figure?
Figure I-3-3
Figure I-3-2
8. The RIB system, consisting of a series of floating breakwater units that are assembled in a "V" orientation, is designed to create a "pool" of calmer water where the crews will be able to continue to unload vessels even during storms.
9. Shore protection and restoration throughout the developed areas of the coast will increase, especially if the growing values of coastal property and recreation benefits are factored into the cost benefit calculations.

Dredged material is a valuable resource with numerous potential benefits, including construction of protective dunes and beaches, maintenance of beaches through bypassing to reestablish natural sediment-transport paths, and restoration and creation of wetlands and coastal habitat.
