Hybrid Power Plant Design

Quiz Questions

1. For decades, wind, solar, and other renewable energy technologies have had minimal deployment with respect to fossil-fuel, hydropower, or nuclear-based generation assets in electric power systems.
2. Wind, solar, and storage technologies can take part in a limited way in some of these markets today, but because of their _____________, not to the same degree as traditional power plants.
uncertainty and variability
low profitability
3. Hybrid power plants are power plants that contain two or more technologies _________________ wind turbines, solar PV, solar CSP, storage, geothermal power, hydropower, biomass, natural gas, oil, coal, or nuclear power. These hybrid plants can be used to generate electricity or other products such as hydrogen.
that may potentially include
that do not include

Solar energy, regardless of its location on the globe, has a diurnal cycle (Lewis 2007). The time of the year and latitude of the location strongly dictate the profile of that diurnal cycle. In addition, weather trends (which influence cloud cover) on a regional scale have a significant influence on the resource, and these _____________ on short- term timescales.

are less predictable
are more predictable
5. Wind energy resources vary widely, depending on the global position. First, there are the different driving sources for wind energy, including pressure forces because of differential heating of the Earth’s regions, Coriolis forces because of the Earth’s rotation, inertial forces of the wind itself because of large- scale circular motions, and frictional forces from interacting with the Earth’s surface (Manwell et al. 2009). Variations in topography (forestation, ridges, built environment, offshore areas) strongly influence these frictional forces and the behavior of the local resource at a specific site and even the location within it. Even more difficult to assess and predict is the wind resource variation over time.
6. Availability of hydropower resources is very site-dependent, based on availability of water basins and potential for dams or different forms of running water (e.g., rivers). Although the availability is very local, the predictability and controllability of the resource __________ wind or solar.
is much better than for
is much worse than for
7. Geothermal is like hydropower, the short-term variability and controllability of the resource is low, though there are diurnal trends that can fluctuate more. Seasonally, there are changes in the capacity available from geothermal resources, but they are generally predictable and controllable. The major limitation to geothermal resources, like hydropower, are the limited availability of sites with significant natural resources.
8. For evaluation of hybrid power plants, the market context, in terms of what other generation assets are present and what revenue streams are available (and their expected value over the plant lifetime), _________ to assessing the relative performance of the relative sizing of technology assets in the plant and its overall physical design.
is critical
is not critical
9. Figure 12 is:
A farm in Iowa
Wind energy as a large-scale complex technical system.
10. For wind energy, a "wind rose" is often used to describe the joint probability distribution of wind direction and wind speed frequencies. Wind roses can vary quite a bit from site to site and determine the overall orientation of the site in terms of primary directions and spacing between turbines.
11. Figure 14 is:
Wind’s propagation peak strength
Example output of FLORIS, a wind farm model that computes the velocity at each turbine in a wind farm and can be used to estimate power production in a wind farm. This model executes in fractions of a second.
12. For a hybrid power plant where the dynamic operation of the whole system is the source of value creation, the control strategy in the upfront design process is critical.
13. Figure 13,
Shows the difference between the wind turbines working normal conditions and when they are misaligned.
Shows distributed particles boundary layer in a laminar flow
14. Hybrid power plants show promise to provide significant value to the electric grid system with high shares of variable renewable energy generation such as wind and solar PV. However, there still are many questions about whether hybrid power plants make sense versus leaving it to the larger grid system to ensure low cost and reliable supply by engaging directly with all individual assets.
15. This course summarized literature on state-of-the-art research concerning hybrid power plants from multiple perspectives, including: (1) resource and market opportunities, (2) technology selection and sizing, (3) physical design, and (4) operation and control.