Installing Seismic Restraint for Duct and Pipe

Quiz Questions

1. ______________ is a smooth or deformed steel bar or threaded rod, set in a predrilled hole in hardened concrete or masonry (including masonry units and mortar joints) that derives its holding strength from a chemical bonding compound placed between the wall of the hole and the embedded portion of the anchor.
Adhesive anchor
Anchor plate
2. Design professional is the responsible party, recognized by the authority having jurisdiction, working within their scope of qualifications and providing design services.
3. ___________ is defined as a turning force around a bolt applied by twisting a bolt head or nut so the components will not separate.
4. What does ASCE stand for?
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Standards for Civil Engineers
American Society of Construction Engineers
None of the above
5. Roof decks are known as the ceiling joists supporting intermediate floors or roof made from steel angles and steel bars.
6. Angles or other steel shapes with elastomeric padding rigidly mounted to the building structure in a pattern around the equipment base to limit horizontal movement are known as Bumpers.
7. _____________ is a steel cable designed for use as a seismic sway brace for suspended equipment, piping, ductwork, or raceways.
Cable brace
Cold joint
8. What does CAMA stand for?
Concrete Anchors Manufacturers Association
Concrete Anchors Manufacturers Association
Concrete Anchors Manufacturers Association
None of the above
9. Construction documents consist of drawings, specifications, and manufacturer’s instructions (approved by the appropriate design professional) that define the scope of a project and provide detailed information to seismically restrain the equipment, piping, ductwork, or raceways. These documents are also known as blue prints.
10. Head joint is a space provided between buildings or portions of a building to prevent contact caused by differential movement during an earthquake.
11. A large bolt with a threaded shaft and a hexagonal-shaped bolt head typically used for embedment into concrete surfaces or in-filled concrete walls is called as a ______________.
Headed stud
Housekeeping stud
12. What does FEMA stand for?
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Earthquake Management Agency
Federal Emergency Management Association
None of the above
13. ____________is a weld between two pieces of steel where the welded surfaces are at right angles.
Fillet weld
Plug weld
14. Seismic support of equipment and internal components that can be traced through connections and support steel to the building structure is called as a Load path
15. Post-tension (pre-stressed) building is a concrete building structure surface with internal steel cables that are stretched and restrained to permanently compress the concrete surface.
16. What does UBC stand for?
Uniform Building Code
Uniform Building Council
United Building Code
None of the above
17. The ability of an object to resist a force that would cause its rotation or movement around a point or axis is known as ______________.

18. Pitch pocket is defined as a frame on a roof contouring the sealing material protecting the penetrations or surface mounted equipment supports on an unprotected building structure.
19. _____________ is a steel angle or strut channel designed for use as a seismic sway brace for suspended equipment, piping, ductwork, or raceways.
Solid brace
20. Transverse beams are components containing resilient elements such as steel springs, air springs, molded pre-compressed fiberglass or elastomeric pads used to separate vibrating equipment, piping and ductwork from the building structure.