Instrumentation for Concrete Structures

Quiz Questions

1. The Carlson transducers utilize two different electromechanical principles.
2. Figure 2-4 in the manual represents___________
Carlson strain meter
Carlson joint meter
Carlson stress meter
3. The ____________ test set shown in Figure 2-18 is basically a portable Wheatstone Bridge, consisting of a galvanometer, two known equal resistances, a variable resistance, and suitable binding posts for use with 2-, 3-, or 4-conductor cable.
4. The types of gages generally used for measuring strains are ________________________. These types can be further divided into short- and long-term gages, depending on the duration of measurements.
Surface gages
Internal or embedded gages
Both the gages
5. Figure 3-4 represents a ________________
Vee-Notch Weir
Critical Depth Meter
6. A hydrostatic pressure cell is not used for measuring pore water pressure in concrete.
7. The ___________________ works on the principle of line of-sight readings rather than the reading of the movement of a wire that is under the influence of gravity.
Inverted plumb line
Optical plummet
8. Digi-tilt inclinometer and Slope Indicator are the tilt measuring instruments.
9. The third type of relative displacement indicator as shown in Figure 5-2 and Plate 5-3, will measure relative movement in three orthogonal directions across a crack or joint. What is it?
Ball-n-box Gage
Monolith joint displacement indicator,
Relative movement indicator,
10. The joint meter measures movement parallel to its longitudinal axis. For this reason the gage must be installed with the longitudinal axis of the gage parallel to the major direction of the crack or joint movement.
11. Laser Alignment, theodolite Alignment and Precise Leveling instruments fall in the ___________category.
Precise Distance Measuring
Triangulation and Tri lateration Surveys
Precise Alignment Instruments
12. Figure 6-8 represents_______________.
Monolith Alignment Markers
Electronic Measuring equipment
13. The _________________are the types of instruments that will measure temperature in concrete.
Resistance thermometer
14. The resistance thermometer or the thermocouple is read with a potentiometer.
15. Instruments used to obtain seismic data are not strong motion accelerometers, peak recording accelerometers, hydrodynamic pressure gages, and seism scopes.
16. The __________ is an inexpensive device that indicates the occurrence of an earthquake but does not write a time record of the forces associated with it.
Seism scope
17. The economic factors to be considered in selecting sensors are
Accuracy & Range
Material & Electrical considerations
18. The resistive strain gage and Wheatstone bridge network is used extensively as the transducing element in measurement systems.
19. A _____________filter is typically formed by cascading a low-pass and a high pass filter of appropriate cut off frequencies to obtain the desired band-pass characteristics.
Band-pass filter
Band-reject filter
20. Figure 9-5, 9-6 & 9-7 describes ____________________.
Network Configurations
Loop Configurations