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Investigation of the Impact of Commercial Building Envelope Air Tightness on HVAC Energy Use

Quiz Questions

1. The building modeled in figure1 is a _____________office building with a total floor area of 2250 m2 (24,200 ft2).
Two storeyed
Four storeyed
Single storeyed
2. Table 1 represents the __________________ thermal properties for the office building.
Wall, roof, slab and window
3. Is there a difference between the fractional occupancy schedule in figure2 and the fractional lighting schedule in figure 3?
4. The retail building in the study is a ______________ building with a total floor area of 1125 m2 (12,100 ft2).
One storeyed
Two storeyed
Four storeyed
5. Figure 5 on page12 represents the _________________________.
Floor plan of the retail building
Wall, roof, slab and window of the retail building
6. Do the fractional lighting schedule in figure7 and the fractional receptacle load schedule in figure 8 have any similarities?
7. The wall, roof, slab and window thermal properties used for modeling the apartment building in table3 are for a _________residential building.
One storeyed
Two storeyed
Four storeyed
8. The office building system included __________________________ and a ______________ serving the common loop.
Water-source heat pumps (WSHPs) with a cooling tower, boiler
None of the above
9. The retail building system has a packaged rooftop unit which includes a______________ and ___________with a separate system for each individual zone.
DX cooling coil, a gas furnace
None of the above
10. Figure 14 represents __________________.
Dependence of scalar ratio on target air leakage rate
Dependence of scalar ratio on baseline air leakage rate