4 PDH Half-Day Engineering Webinar #4 

Webinar #60
Credit: 4 PDH Webinar
Webinar Price: $120.00

4 PDH Half-Day Engineering Webinar #4 1
4 PDH Half-Day Engineering Webinar #4 2
4 PDH Half-Day Engineering Webinar #4 3
4 PDH Half-Day Engineering Webinar #4 4

Course Summary:

This half day Webinar is the combination of Water Treatment Distribution (Webinar #28), wastewater Disposal Treatment (Webinar #29), Fossil Fuel (Webinar #30) and Power generation from Coal, oil and Gas (Webinar #31).

Learning Objective:

By the end of this 4-hour webinar the student

  1. will know how raw water from nature is treated to make it safe for drinking. Then trace the distribution system that supplies water under pressure to users. Professor Ressler demonstrates two crucial technologies in this system: the flocculation chamber and the water tower.
  2. will understand what happens to the 150 gallons of water that the average person uses and then sends down the drain each day Delve into wastewater disposal and treatment. Among the details you investigate are the S-shaped trap in a waste pipe and that most ingenious of plumbing fixtures: the toilet.
  3. will be able to understand how coal, oil, and natural gas power the vast majority of electrical generating plants in use today. Learn how fossil fuels are extracted from the earth and how new technologies such as longwall mining and fracking have revolutionized the industry. Also examine some of the environmental drawbacks of these endeavors.
  4. will focus on the dominant source of electricity in the U.S. today: coal. Begin by reviewing concepts from thermodynamics that explain how power plants work. Then follow the processes that turn a hopper full of coal into abundant electrical power, extracting the maximum amount of energy along the way.

How to take Webinar

We use the famous Gotowebinar.com for our webinar services for reliability and ease of use.
  1. After your purchase, you will be emailed a link to register for the webinar.
    A link for the webinar registration will also be in your account under this course name in your Live Webinar to Take.
  2. Clicking the link, you will be redirected to Gotowebinar.com where you will be asked to register with your name and email.
    This step can be done any time before the webinar, or right before it starts.
  3. During the webinar students would not have an open microphone.
    So, all interactive questions will be done via email or live chat.
  4. A copy of your certificate will be in your "completed Live webinars" after the webinar.
Very Simple and Easy!


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