Management Guidelines for Working with Radioactive and Mixed Waste

Quiz Questions

1. The NRC defines High-Level Radioactive Waste as 1) irradiated reactor fuel, 2) liquid wastes resulting from operation of the first cycle solvent extraction system, or the equivalent, and the concentrated wastes from subsequent extraction cycles or equivalent in a facility for reprocessing irradiated reactor fuel, and 3) solids into which such liquid wastes have been converted.
2. Depleted uranium (DU-natural uranium with the fissionable component reduced or removed) is used in armor piercing penetrators, high-density armor, radiation shielding, and aircraft counterweights.
3. The primary purpose of radiographic facilities is to nondestructively test items for defects. For example, welds are radio graphed to reveal any hidden porosity or cracks, castings are radio graphed to reveal any hidden voids, and munitions are radio graphed to check for proper assembly.
4. 1rad = 100 erg/g = _________________.
5. Trans-uranic Waste (TRU) is waste materials contaminated with alpha emitting nuclides with an atomic number greater than 92, half-lives greater than 20 years.
6. Baseline risk assessments are a required element of CERCLA remedial investigations, whose results help determine whether remedial alternatives need to be evaluated in the FS to mitigate risk.
7. Scanning is performed by passing a field instrument at a set distance and slow speed over an area suspected of having radioactive contamination. Scans can detect some alpha and many beta emitting radio nuclides on a surface and most gamma emitting radio nuclides on the surface or a few centimeters below the surface scanned.
8. Area Scanning- This is usually done to determine if an area is safe to access. This scan may find areas of high gamma radiation, which could pose a hazard to workers in the area. This type of scan is usually performed inside buildings where large quantities of radioactive materials are used, or where radiation generating devices are in use. For an area scan, a gamma ray detecting probe is held 1 meter off the floor and the radiation readings are monitored throughout the room.
9. In the down hole or well logging, a detector is lowered into the borehole and a record of the measurements vs. the depth of the detector is recorded. This method can sometimes locate the depth that a contaminated layer of soil is at relative to the ground surface. It can also sometimes locate hotspots within the ground. Down-hole logs are influenced by a number of factors, including soil density, moisture content, and soil type.
10. The DOE is responsible for developing and implementing a national energy policy and for developing new energy sources for domestic and commercial sources. DOE is also responsible for management of the U.S. nuclear weapons program and production facilities and obtains its basic authorities from the AEA of 1954.
11. The soil-washing process is a treatment method where dispersed, low level radioactive contaminated particles are washed from the soil fraction. Low to intermediate levels of contamination are removed from the soil. The process can reduce the volume of a contaminated soil that would otherwise require special handling and packaging for off-site disposal by 98%.
12. Hydro blasting can be used on contaminated concrete, brick, metal, and other materials. Hydro blasting can easily incorporate variations such as hot or cold water, abrasives, solvents, surfactants, and varied pressures.