Natural Resources Land Management

Quiz Questions

1. Climate is a major factor in determining the species of plants that can be grown. The plant kingdom has become adapted to a wide range of temperatures, precipitation, light exposure, day length and wind.
2. Soil auger and soil tube used to obtain samples for analysis, to locate soil layers, and to determine moisture penetration.
3. Classification of soil texture is based on the relative percentages of sand, silt and clay, which are determined by mechanical analysis.
4. Fertility of soil is dependent on the structure of the soil, the presence or absence of nutrients, and the degree of acidity or alkalinity. The growth nutrients most likely to be deficient are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash. Soil is sometimes deficient in magnesium, calcium, and iron.
5. The primary object in the control of erosion is to retard all rainfall at the point of impact so that it either soaks into the soil or is directed to well-protected waterways where it flows at non-erosive speeds.
6. The most common materials used for mulching purposes are straw, hey, wood chips, and wood fiber. These materials promote the establishment of vegetative ground cover and protect the seedbed from excessive until new vegetation is established.
7. Figures 7-2, 7-3, 7-4 show three methods of:
Preserving the trees when grade is changed
Growing a tree
Selecting a tree for cutting.
8. Insect and disease damage is often difficult to identify. When vegetation becomes unhealthy for reasons not readily explained by infertile soil, lack of moisture or other common causes, inspect leaves and branches carefully.
9. Figure 10-2 shows a:
Fire lookout tower
Fire Finder
A surveying device
10. After a prescribed fire, an improved grass cover should be established during the first year.
11. Prescribed burning is generally not practiced in the management of hardwoods. While fire may not kill large diameter hardwoods, it will often leave scars through which insects and disease may enter.
12. Figure 10-24 shows fighting the fire using:
Hand tool tactics
Two tractor-plow
13. Figure 10-25 shows:
Good and bad back firing
Aerial attack
14. There are many thousand of plants, which become weeds when they occur on areas where they are not desired. Any plant becomes a weed when it crowds out desirable plants or becomes a fire or health hazard.

Table 12-1 lists the suggested equipment for:

Grounds maintenance
Fire fighting in forest
Construction equipments
16. The most common pollutant of soil and water is sodium chloride. It is used as a deicer to melt snow and ice in winter and as a water softener in homes and cities. One of the components, sodium, not only is toxic to plants when in high concentration but also destroys soil structure so that plant growing there may suffer from lack of aeration in the root zone.
17. Which one of the following affects irrigation?
Availability of existing water supplies and the feasibility of their use.
The amount of water required, depending upon the type of plants or turf to be irrigated (either existing or proposed), climate terrain, and soil conditions
The amount of money allocated to a project (this determines the extent to which irrigation can be achieved).
All of the above.
18. The use of nonpotable water sources for irrigation may be desirable when the water quality meets all applicable health regulations for its intended use.
19. To properly design an irrigation system, the designer should closely examine the water requirements of the existing and proposed vegetation
20. Natural resources management is the program for development, improvement, maintenance and conservation of the real property.