New Hampshire Board of Professional Engineers Laws and Rules

Quiz Questions


Practice of engineering" means, practice of engineering as defined in RSA 310-A:2, III, namely "any professional service or creative work requiring education, training, experience and the application of advanced knowledge of mathematics and physical sciences, involving the constant exercise of discretion and judgment, to such services or work as consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning, design, responsible oversight of construction and responsible oversight of operation, in connection with any public or private utilities, structures, buildings, machines, equipment, processes, works, or projects wherein the public welfare, or the safeguarding of life, health or property is concerned."


The board shall upon issuance of a license to an applicant as a licensed engineer, require the licensee to acquire an impression type seal or rubber stamp of the design specified by these rules. This seal shall bear the licensee’s name and number as shown on the license. This seal may be affixed on all plans, maps, and reports prepared by the licensee, but shall be affixed to all documents issued or filed for public record.

Does not require
3. It shall be a violation of these rules for the licensee to stamp or seal any documents with his/her seal after his/her license has expired, revoked or suspended or after the licensee has chosen retired status. It shall be a violation of these rules for the licensee to stamp or seal any documents not prepared by him or her personally or under his/her direct supervision.
4. The board shall undertake misconduct investigations, settlements of misconduct allegations, or disciplinary hearings, when warranted, in response to any information which reasonably suggests that a licensee has engaged in professional misconduct.
Shall not
5. When a single disciplinary infraction of the same type has occurred within the 5 years preceding the board’s notice to the respondent, the penalty assessed shall not exceed $200.00 per day or $1,500.00 per offense whichever is greater;
6. Each licensee shall obtain at least _____ professional development hours of approved continuing education courses during the biennial renewal period as a condition of license renewal.
7. If a licensee exceeds the requirement, a maximum of 15 professional development hours may be carried forward into the subsequent renewal period.
8. New licensees ________ from obtaining professional development hours for their first biennial renewal period.
Shall be exempt
Shall not be exempt
9. Licensees who are residents of jurisdictions other than New Hampshire shall meet the continuing professional development or equivalent requirements of their resident jurisdiction. The requirements for the State of New Hampshire shall be satisfied when a non-resident licensee provides evidence of having met the requirements of their resident jurisdiction. If licensees reside in a jurisdiction that has no continuing professional development requirements, the resident shall meet the requirements of the State of New Hampshire.

The professional engineer shall provide their services in an ethical and lawful manner as follows:

  1. Not knowingly associate with or permit the use of their name or firm name in a business venture by any person or firm which they know, or has reason to believe, is engaging in business or professional practices of a fraudulent or dishonest nature;
  2. If they have knowledge or reason to believe that another person or firm may be in violation of any of these provision or provisions of RSA 310-A:2 through RSA 310-A:27, present such information to the board in writing and cooperate with the board in furnishing such further information or assistance as may be required by the board; and
  3. Cooperate with investigations and requests for information from the board and the board’s representatives