Oklahoma State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws and Ethics

Quiz Questions


The Executive Director or Principal Assistant shall be authorized to issue a Temporary Permit to an engineer, subject to the approval of the Board, under the following conditions:

(1) An applicant for a Temporary Permit shall have a valid professional engineer’s license in the applicant’s resident state or jurisdiction, shall submit a complete permanent professional engineer application to this Board within 30 days of the date ofissuance of the temporary permit, and the information provided by the applicant on the application form approved by the Board does not disclose a prima facie violation of any provision of Sections 475.1 et seq of the lawsof the state of Oklahoma or the rules of this Board; has not been disciplined in any jurisdiction by a Board of licensure for either engineering or land surveying or architecture; has not been convicted in any jurisdiction of a felony.


An applicant who is granted a Temporary Permit, but fails to submit their complete permanent professional engineer application within the prescribed period of time, may be considered to be in violation of the Rules of this Board.

3. Land surveyor applicants will, in addition, be tested byan examination approved by the Board, upon their knowledge of Oklahoma laws and surveying.
4. For “Professional Structural Engineers” the examination shall be considered and referred to as _______________.The Structural examination shall consist of two 8- hour components: the Vertical Forces (gravity/other) and Incidental Lateral component and the Lateral Forces (wind/earthquake) component. A candidate must receive acceptable results on both 8-hour components to pass the Structural examination.A candidate may sit for each component in separate exam administrations but must receive acceptable results on both components within a 5-year period.Receiving acceptable results on only one 8-hour component shall not be sufficient for licensure purposes.
One – 16 hour examination
One – 8 hour examination
5. The biennial renewal fee for engineers or land surveyors who reach the age of 70 prior to the renewal date of their certificate of licensure will be waived.Renewal forms must be filled out and returned to the Board office or completed online prior to the renewal date to qualify.
6. In order to safeguard, life, health and propertyto promote the public welfare, and to establish and maintain a high standard of integrity and practice, the Rules of Professional Conduct in this subchapter shall be binding on every person holding a certificate of licensure and on all firms authorized to offer or perform engineering or land surveying services in this state.
7. Licensees _____ practice only in the areas of their competence andshall undertake assignments only when qualified by education, examination, or experience in the specific technical fields of engineering or land surveying involved.
Do not have to

Licensees shall issue public statements onlyin an objective and truthful manner.

  1. Licensees shall be objective and truthful in professional reports, statementsor testimony.Theyshall includeall relevant andpertinent information in such reports, statements or testimony.
  2. Licensees shall express publicly a professional opinion on technical subjects only when that opinion is founded upon adequate knowledge of the facts and competence in the subject matter.
  3. Licensees shall issue no statements, criticisms or arguments on technical matters which are inspired or paid for byinterested parties, unless the licensees have prefaced their comments by explicitly identifying the interested parties on whose behalf theyspeak, clearly identifying their interests, and by revealing the existence of any interest the licensees may have in the matters.
9. "Dual licensee" means
A person licensed as a Professional Engineer and Professional Land Surveyor.
A person licensed as a Professional Engineer in two States.

For an individual licensed both as an engineer and surveyor, the number of PDH’s required shall remain 30 per biennial renewal period, at least ___ of which shall be obtained in each profession.
