Optimal Design of a Golf Club

Quiz Questions

1. Advanced computer analysis has made the design of club heads a matter of advanced engineering and science.
2. The primary aim in designing golf club heads is to :
Hit the ball as hard it can.
Increase the performance by increasing the forgiveness of the club head; i.e. making the club head easier to hit.
3. The "sweet spot" is the area of the clubface:
That the clubface is the strongest
That results in maximum release velocity of the golf ball after impact.
4. Moving the COG ( center of gravity) and changing the moment of inertia (MOI) of the club head can change the trajectory and spin of the golf ball after impact with the club head.
5. Weight is focused in the dark region, shown in Figure 2 of the club head. By moving weight to the perimeter of the club head, the MOI of the club head is
6. A club head with a small MOI twists easily on off-centered impact causing the ball to leave the club head with a side spin and move away from the intended target [5]. In the same way, increasing the MOI reduces the amount of side spin that occurs on off-centered impact and provides more accurate and desirable golf shots.
7. Long irons project the ball
150-200 yards
300-400 yards
8. Short irons project the ball less than
150 yards
300 yards
9. Golf balls have been designed to have multiple layers that optimize the balls performance during every shot.
10. In figure 3. The soft outer layers cause the golf ball to come off the clubface of short irons
softer; i.e., with less velocity and with greater back spin
harder; i.e., with more velocity and with less back spin
11. The hard core of the golf ball causes greater release velocity at impact for greater swing speeds and maximizes distance for long distance shots.
12. In Gibson and Ashby equation Eeff = E ( 1-p)2, E is:
E = Young’s modulus of elasticity
E= Modulus of elasticity of Ti6AL4