Oregon Ethics, Rules, and Laws for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors

Quiz Questions

1. Active registrants or certificate holders authorized to engage in the professional practice of engineering, land surveying, photogrammetric mapping, or the professional activities of a certified water right examiner as defined in ORS Chapter 537 and OAR chapter 690 and who are current with regards to payment of application and biennial renewal fees and continuing Professional Development Hour (PDH) requirements, if applicable, may practice in their respective professions. These registrants maintain an “active status.”
2. Certificates shall be of a design approved by the Board. These shall bear on their face a notation stating that the registrant is qualified to practice land surveying, photogrammetry, engineering, especially qualified in a particular branch, or to engage in the professional activities of a certified water right examiner as defined in ORS Chapter 537 and OAR chapter 690; this qualification having been determined by a written examination.
3. Registrants doing business with the public on their own account, or as consultants, or otherwise where appropriate shall keep their certificates of registration issued by the Board posted conspicuously in their places of business, where the public can readily examine said certificates. It is the registrants’ responsibility to ensure that their certificate is valid.
4. (1) Seals, as referenced by ORS 672.020(2) and 672.025(2), must contain the printed name of the registrant, the date of registration, the number of the registrant’s certificate of registration, and the registrant’s professional title. The registrant’s printed name on the seal will be exactly the same as the name printed on registrant’s certificate of registration.
5. (2) The size, design and content of the seal will ___________, in style, of the examples shown in Exhibit 1 (Official Seals) for the profession or branch of the profession in which the registrant is licensed. (A tolerance of 1/4" is permitted as to the size of the seal). The expiration or renewal date may be made part of the seal. If the expiration or renewal date is not made part of the seal, it must be handwritten, in permanent ink, after the word "Expires" or "Renews." Reduced or enlarged seals are not permitted on final documents.
Will look similar
Will be an exact replica
6. Professional engineers holding a structural engineering certificate will use the seal with the designation "Structural" above the words "Registered Professional Engineer,"
7. Registered professional photogrammetrists, land surveyors and traffic engineers will use the seal that the Board has designated.
8. The registrant will sign through the middle of the seal or in the place on the seal as indicated for signature, in handwriting, and in permanent ink.
9. A digital signature, for final documents is acceptable as an alternative to a handwritten signature in permanent ink if the digital signature

  • Is unique to the registrant using it;
  • Is independently verifiable by a Certificate Authority (3rd Party);
  • Is under the sole control of the registrant using it;
  • Is linked to the document in such a manner that the digital signature is invalidated if any data in the document is changed; and
  • Bears the phrase “digital signature” in place of a handwritten signature.
10. Only individuals registered as professional engineers, professional traffic engineers, professional land surveyors, professional photogrammetrists, or certified water rights examiners may use a seal with a shape, form or wording similar to those shown by the Board. Using such a seal without registration constitutes falsely representing that the person is authorized to practice the profession.
11. The shape of all the seals are available from the Oregon State Board of engineers and land surveyors.
12. Documents prepared and sealed by a Professional Engineer may be modified only when all of the following requirements are met:

  • Only a Professional Engineer or Registered Architect if within the scope of practice of architecture and if competent by education or experience, can modify designs or documents prepared and sealed by a Professional Engineer.
  • A Professional Engineer shall only modify another Professional Engineer’s design or document if they are competent by education or experience.
  • The Professional Engineer modifying another Professional Engineer’s design or document shall cloud, encircle, or in some other way clearly indicate the portion of the design or document they are revising and refer the viewer to a separate design or document.
  • The Professional Engineer making the design revisions shall seal and sign the separate design or document.
  • A Professional Engineer modifying designs or documents not sealed must provide all the engineering services that would have been required had they started the work from its origin.
13. Professional Engineers modifying designs or documents prepared by an unlicensed person for an exempt structure must do the following:

  • The Professional Engineer modifying the design or document shall cloud, encircle, or in some other way clearly indicate the portion of the design or document they are revising and refer the viewer to a separate design or document.
  • The Professional Engineer making the design revision shall seal and sign the separate design or document.
14. A Professional Engineer may modify a Registered Architect’s documents as follows:

  • The Professional Engineer shall only modify a Registered Architect’s documents if within the scope of practice of engineering and if competent by education and experience.
  • The Professional Engineer modifying a Registered Architect’s documents shall make modifications on separate documents that clearly indicate the portion of the Registered Architect’s documents being modified.
  • The Professional Engineer modifying a Registered Architect’s documents shall seal and sign the separate documents that provide the modifications.
15. The engineer registration requirements of ORS 672.002 to 672.325 ________ a construction contractor from offering services constituting the practice of engineering when all of the following conditions are met:

  • The construction contractor holds an active license under ORS 701;
  • The services offered by the construction contractor, constituting the practice of engineering, are appurtenant to construction services to be provided by the contractor;
  • The services constituting the practice of engineering are performed by an engineer or engineers registered under ORS 672.002 to 672.325; and
  • The offer by the construction contractor discloses in writing that the contractor is not an engineer and identifies the registered engineer or engineers that will perform the services constituting the practice of engineering.
Do prevent
Do not prevent
16. An engineer performing or identified as an engineer that will perform the services constituting the practice of engineering as provided in subsection (2) of this rule must notify the Board in writing, within thirty (30) days if, after the contractor is retained by the owner, the engineer ceases to provide engineering services identified in the offer by the construction contractor.
17. Construction contractors who violate any provision of this rule may be practicing engineering or using an engineer title in violation of ORS 672.020 and 672.045. As such, the contractor may be subject, under 672.325, to sanctions and civil penalties of up to __________ per violation.