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Practice of Low Impact Development

Quiz Questions

1. __________ are two nutrients in wastewater that, either in excess or through cumulative effect, can adversely affect receiving waterbodies.
Sodium and Potassium
Magnesium and Calcium
Nitrogen and phosphorus
All the above
2. Low Impact Development (LID) is an approach to land development that uses various land planning and design practices and technologies to simultaneously conserve and protect natural resource systems and reduce infrastructure costs.
3. Ideally, the time to obtain permit approval for an innovative land design should be at least, ___________ the time needed to develop that same parcel of land under the provisions of existing regulations.
Less than
Equal to
Greater than
None of the above
4. A ___________ is a process by which a developer or one or more members of the development team inventories a site’s natural features and attributes to identify development opportunities and constraints.
Site analysis
Site development
None of the above
5. Which of the following are groundwater-based sources that in most instances fall under the jurisdiction of the federal Clean Water Act?
All the above
6. Conventional storm water management systems rely on ______________ to remove water safely from developed areas and to protect life, property, and health.
Collection systems
Conveyance systems
Both A & B
None of the above
7. It is estimated that the trenches can remove between ____________ percent of total suspended solids, zinc, and lead from storm water.
30 and 50
40 and 60
60 and 80
80 and 100
8. ______________ are extremely effective in maintaining hydrologic functions such as infiltration and groundwater recharge and in improving water and stream quality by filtering pollutants and attenuating runoff volumes.
Infiltration drainfields
Infiltration trenches
Collection systems
All the above
9. Level spreaders are mechanisms that convert concentrated runoff into sheet flow and slow the erosive velocities of storm water.
10. Filtering systems use ____________ to remove pollutants from storm water. They function mainly as pre-treatment devices to remove sediment before water enters infiltration devices such as bioretention areas.
Soils and vegetation
Collection systems
Infiltration trenches
Infiltration drainfields
11. Which of the following reason is a common reason for septic system failure?
Improper Sizing/Design
Improper/Lack of Maintenance
All the above
12. Paved streets doesn’t create impervious surfaces that prevent storm water from infiltrating into the ground.
13. Research and experience show that compact street layouts, narrower street widths, and alternative pavement edge treatments can minimize clearing and grading, reduce storm water runoff, and protect water quality while providing ample access for emergency vehicles, residential vehicles, and parking.
14. Standard Cul-de-sacs create excessive amounts of pavement that generate large volumes of storm water runoff.
15. Which of the following factors needs to be considered when evaluating on-site wastewater treatment systems?
Environmental and Public Health
All the above