Rock Foundations

Quiz Questions

1. _____________ analyses involve the ability of the rock foundation or slope to resist the imposed loads without shearing or sliding.
Sliding stability
Bearing capacity
2. An areal map should consist of sufficient area to include the project site(s) as well as the surrounding area that could influence or could be influenced by the project.
3. Detailed description of the geologic features of existing rock foundation materials and overburden materials is essential in ______________ and subsequent explorations.
Site mapping
Construction mapping
4. Borings, in most cases, provide the only viable exploratory tool that directly reveals geologic evidence of the subsurface site conditions.
5. The number of borings and the depths to which boreholes should be advanced are dependent upon
Subsurface geological conditions
Project site areas
Types of projects and structural features
All of the above
6. Large-Diameter boring is the process in which diamond or other types of core drill bits are used to drill exploratory holes and retrieve rock core.
7. The primary objective of this initial field reconnaissance is to, insofar as possible, confirm, correct or expand geologic and hydrologic information collected from preliminary office studies.
8. _______________ are often the best means for determining the engineering properties of subsurface materials and, in some cases, may be the only way to obtain meaningful results.
In-situ tests
Field tests
9. _______________ is an indicator of intact rock strength and deformability.
10. The analyses of planar slip surfaces assume that stability can be adequately evaluated from two-dimensional considerations.
11. The _________________ is obtained from the slope of a line constructed tangent to the initial segment of the unloading stress-strain curve.
Elastic modulus
Recovery modulus
12. The modulus of deformation is determined from the slope of the secant line established between zero and some specified stress level.
13. Pressure meter test is a modification of the pressure chamber test where pressure is applied through a series of jacks placed close to each other.
14. ______________ refers to a process in which a rock mass continues to strain with time upon application of stress. Creep can be attributed to two different mechanisms.
15. The expulsion of pore fluids from voids due to an increase in stress is called Consolidation.
16. ___________________ (i.e. rock bolts, rock anchor, rock tendon, etc.) is primarily used to enhance the stability of structures founded on rock.
Rock reinforcement
Consolidation grouting
17. The __________________ is defined as the average load per unit area required to produce failure by rupture of a supporting soil or a rock mass.
Ultimate bearing capacity
18. The finite element method is particularly suited to analyze foundations with unusual shapes and/or unusual loading conditions as well as in situations where the foundation rock is highly variable.
19. What does RQD stand for?
Rock Quality Designation
Rock Quantity Design
Real Quantity Designation
None of the above
20. A __________________ is accessed to be stable or potentially unstable depending upon the value of the calculated factor of safety.
Rock slope
Multiple Blocks