Site Planning and Design

Quiz Questions

1. The art of site planning is arranging and designing facilities to support the desired activity with the least negative impact to the natural environment.
2. Which one of the following are the goals and objectives of the site planning.
Ensure the projects accomplishes it s basic function with maximum efficiency and economy.
Ensure a safe environment
Provide proper relationships with surrounding facilities.
Allow for expansion
Contribute to overall project cost effectiveness
Create designs which contribute to the quality of life of personnel.
Provide energy-efficient design solutions
Provide environmentally sensitive and visually pleasing design
Take full advantage of natural site amenities.
All of the above
3. Site planning and design comprise a two staged process. Site planning proposes a program of activity, evaluates a site, and organizes the program on the site. Site design details the program on the site, eventually resulting in final construction documents.
4. Which one of the following should be considered in site design:
Location and orienting buildings
Developing vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems.
Providing adequate grading and drainage
Responding to climatological conditions
Locating utility coverage
Providing for physical security
All of the above
5. The location of the primary building does not necessarily is in the middle of the site. Which one of the followings effect the location of the building.
Dimensional factors
Buffer zones
Set backs
Proximity to other facilities
Environmental factors
Building zone
All of the above
6. In order to maximize the cooling effect of the building we orient which axis of the building toward the prevailing winds.
Long axis
Short axis
7. Generally the best orientation for the building is parallel to slope. Building may also be located with their long axis perpendicular to grade. Figure 4-12
8. Outside finished grade should normally slope away from the building at a minimum five percent slope for approximately 10 ft.
9. Drainage design should create controlled conditions that help move rainfall away from facilities and activities as quickly as possible.
10. Erosion occurs as the result of a lack of vegetative cover, excessively steep slopes, excessive runoff, or a combination of these factors.
11. a variety of vehicles in different size and shape can enter the site. The road dimensions and site entrances and exits should be designed to accommodate the smallest vehicle using the site.
12. According to fig. 6-6, how much landscape you need to provide for a a typical parking lot.