Surveying Procedures and Practices

Quiz Questions

1. Project control surveys will traverse the length of the project and shall originate and terminate at TGRN tied control points at the beginning, end, and, if appropriate, along the length of the project.
2. Based upon the map, one cannot get a rough idea of the number of points that will be required, and how long it might take to control the project.
3. Place points in the clear, away from trees, buildings and potential multi-path structures. Minimum obstruction angle shall be______________________.
4. Place points close to the projected centerline so that they will be of the most use to the surveyors who follow you (i.e. on hilltops). However, some thought should also be given to placing these points so that at least some of them will survive construction.
5. Document blockage problems on the site log. If you have blockage problems, place the control point to the north of the blockage since satellite path never crosses due south.
6. The improper instrument setup (human error) accounts for the most and the largest errors when performing GPS surveys. Therefore, care must be exercised during setup.
7. There are two basic methods used by TDOT to bring control into a project from the TGRN reference points. They are referred to as the Traverse Method and the WING Point Method.
8. The advantages for the traverse method are:
• Due to inherent possible errors in GPS baselines, error can accumulate rapidly.
• It requires high degree of coordination between survey crew.
9. The disadvantages for the wing point method are:
• Wing Points are likely to survive construction for later use.
• Less coordination is required between receiver operators.
10. The advantages for the wing point method are:
• Baselines are longer, minimizing error.
• Points are measured from two base points giving a check.
11. The traverse method is used if the project requires five points or less or if terrain conditions are non-conducive to the wing point method.
12. The traverse method is the preferred method for all projects because of the greater accuracy that can be obtained.
13. On subsequent missions set base stations on the wing points and two rovers on the project. The base units will run continuously. The rovers will collect a minimum of 20 minutes of data for each of the project points and also any photo control points. It is advised that each rover have a list of points that he will occupy rather than just going to whichever point is next. This will eliminate duplicate or omitted points.
14. The completed survey will not consist of the following items:
• A Microstation_ (.DGN) file containing all plan metrics
• A Geopak_ (*.TIN) file containing the digital terrain model (DTM)
• A Geopak_ (*.GPK) containing: points, lines, curves, spirals, chains, survey chains and parcels.
15. The ___________________________shall make every effort to insure the readability and usability of the completed survey for design work. This shall include checking for text overlaps. The surveyor shall consider which data will be displayed simultaneously as the design process continues and make allowances for placement of text and other data.
Land officer
16. It shall be noted that any file format conversions required and any problems realized there from are the responsibility of the surveyor and that the end result of the turn-in files must be in a form in compliance with the CADD Guidelines.
17. ______________________ is a set of three dimensional random points and break lines used to model the surface of the earth both horizontally and vertically.
Defined Terrestrial Mode
Digital Terrain Mode
18. ___________________ are points which are not connected with any break line but stand alone.
Random Points
Break points
19. _____________________ are also known as triangle lines are the imaginary lines stored internally in a computer connecting the points used to interpolate information about the ground surface where no actual point exists.
Link lines
Edge lines
20. A DTM is interpreted by the computer as a set of points connected by a series of edge lines.
21. In circular curves all the data is to be computed by the arc definition. Curve data shall be rounded to three decimal places.
22. Iron pins, spikes, nails or other material that can be located with a metal detector shall not be used for curve points and significant POT’s.
23. The final alignment may be staked and marked at the discretion of the Regional Survey Supervisor, with the station number at least every_________________.
100 meters
100 feet
24. Project control survey points will not serve as reference points for each project. They are not to be referenced with permanent type material and documented in the plan-metrics file.
25. Topography may be accurately located with total stations using angle and distance method. A minimum of two points shall always be tied and all buildings measured so they can be accurately plotted. A minimum of two points shall be tied on each property line, preferably each corner if possible.