Unmanned Aerial Systems in Marine Science and Conservation

Quiz Questions

1. The capabilities of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for marine science and conservation applications are growing rapidly at the local, regional and global levels. On June 29-30, 2015, Duke University Marine Laboratory hosted a marine science UAS workshop to ___________________________.?
Better understand technological advances in UAS
Develop a strategy for educating the public on unmanned aerial systems use in marine science
Enhance collaboration with the extraordinary unmanned aerial systems expertise in North Carolina and the eastern coast of the US
All the above
2. Small and affordable robotic aircraft with low-cost yet high-quality sensors, this technology is readily adaptable to many applications in marine environments, yet there is little guidance on safe, efficient and ethical use.
3. During the workshop, there was enthusiastic support for a marine science UAS facility. As a result, Duke University will move forward to create, from an existing building, a facility that will ___________________________.?
Meet state and FAA training requirements for marine scientists seeking to employ UAS
Increase UAS knowledge and marine research public outreach
Engage with engineers to develop new platforms, sensors and software systems applicable to marine science applications
All the above
4. _______________ has developed a UAS that can both swim and fly efficiently using biomimetic approach.
Larry Silverberg
Matthew Bryant
John Conway
None of the above
5. _______________ is the leader of the Marine Geospatial Ecology Laboratory and brings extensive experience in dealing with the analysis and management of geospatial datasets generated from platforms such as UAS.
Larry cooper
John Conway
6. Lloyd indicated that the basic airframe costs ____________ without sensors, and that sensors range in price from $2,000 to $90,000 US.
US $500
US $5,500
US $12,500
US $16,500
7. The senseFly quad- copter was aimed at providing high resolution inspection surveys of smaller areas with ________ flight time.
5 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
20 minutes
8. Public outreach is a critical aspect of any UAS initiative and key to sustaining good will with local citizens, schools and businesses, and educating them about the positive uses of UAS.
9. Coffey indicated that UAS were integral for missions in locations that can be described by the ___________________.?
four Ds: dull, dirty, dangerous and denied.
four Es: efficient, effective, economical and environmental-friendly manner.
10. The advantages of using the senseFly eBee is ____________.?
higher survey costs
higher disturbance of animals
lower risk for both observers and animals.
All the above