Utah State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors Rules, Laws, and Ethics

Quiz Questions


Which one of the following would be considered "unprofessional conduct"

  1. submitting an incomplete final plan, specification, report or set of construction plans to:
    1. a client, when the licensee represents, or could reasonably expect the client to consider the plan, specification, report or set of construction plans to be complete and final; or
    2. to a building official for the purpose of obtaining a building permit;
  2. failing as a principal to exercise responsible charge;
  3. failing as a supervisor to exercise supervision of an employee, subordinate, associate or drafter;
  4. receiving gratuities from material, product, or services suppliers for specifying or endorsing their goods or services;
  5. failing to fully disclose and obtain consent in writing of the principal employer and all interested parties prior to accepting or engaging in supplemental professional engineering, structural engineering, or land surveying services; and
  6. failing to conform to the accepted and recognized standards and ethics of the profession, including those established in the "Rules of Professional Conduct", as published in the NCEES Model Rules, revised August 2016, which is hereby incorporated by reference.
1 and 3
1, 2 and 3
All of the Aove

In accordance with Section 58-22-601, all final plans, specifications, reports, maps, sketches, surveys, drawings, documents and plats prepared by the licensee or prepared under the supervision of the licensee, shall be sealed. Which one of the following is true about "sealing"

  1. Each seal shall be a circular seal, 1-1/2 inches minimum diameter.
  2. Each seal shall include the licensee’s name, license number, "State of Utah", and, as appropriate, "Professional Engineer", "Professional Structural Engineer", or "Professional Land Surveyor".
  3. Each seal shall be signed and dated with the signature and date appearing across the face of each seal imprint.
  4. Each original set of final plans, specifications, reports, maps, sketches, surveys, drawings, documents and plats, as a minimum, shall have the original seal imprint, original signature and date placed on the cover or title sheet.
  5. A seal may be a wet stamp, embossed, or electronically produced.
  6. Electronically generated signatures are acceptable.
  7. It is the responsibility of the licensee to provide adequate security when documents with electronic seals and electronic signatures are submitted. Sheets subsequent to the cover of specifications are not required to be sealed, signed and dated.
  8. Copies of the original set of plans, specifications, reports, maps, sketches, surveys, drawings, documents and plats which contain the original seal, original signature and date is permitted, if the seal, signature and date is clearly recognizable.
a, b, c
a, c, e
All of the above
3. A person _________ serve as a supervisor for more than one firm.
May not
4. A person who renders occasional, part time or consulting services to or for a firm ______ serve as a supervisor.
May not
5. The supervisor shall be in responsible charge of the projects assigned, and professionally responsible for the acts and practices of the supervisee
6. To be licensed as a professional structural engineer, the engineer should have the following experience:

  1. obtained after meeting the education requirement;
  2. supervised by one or more licensed professional structural engineers;
  3. certified by the licensed professional structural engineer who provided the supervision; and
  4. include a minimum of three years of full-time or equivalent part-time experience in professional structural engineering.
7. Professional structural engineering experience shall include responsible charge of structural design in one or more of the following areas:

  1. structural design of any building or structure two stories and more, or 45 feet in height, located in a region of moderate or high seismic risk, designed in accordance with current codes adopted pursuant to Section 58-56-4;
  2. structural design for a major seismic retrofit/rehabilitation of an existing building or structure located in a region of moderate or high seismic risk; or
  3. structural design of any other structure of comparable structural complexity.

Professional structural engineering experience shall include structural design in all of the following areas:

  1. use of three of the following four materials as they relate to the design, rehabilitation or investigation of buildings or structures:
    (i) steel;
    (ii) concrete;
    (iii) wood; or
    (iv) masonry;
  2. selection of framing systems including the consideration of alternatives and the selection of an appropriate system for the interaction of structural components to support vertical and lateral loads;
  3. selection of foundation systems including the consideration of alternatives and the selection of an appropriate type of foundation system to support the structure;
  4. design and detailing for the transfer of forces between stories in multi-story buildings or structures;
  5. application of lateral design in the design of the buildings or structures, in addition to any wind design requirements; and
  6. application of the local, state, and federal code requirements as they relate to design loads, materials, and detailing.

A license shall be active and ___________ prior to being placed on inactive status.

In any standing
In good standing
9. Inactive status licensees __________ required to fulfill the continuing education requirement.
Are still
Are not

An administrative penalty ranging from $250 to $2000 can be enforced by the Board depending on the citation and the type of violation that a licensee has committed.
