Water Resource Systems

Quiz Questions

1. The mathematical representation of a water resource system can be extremely complex. Operations research techniques such as linear programming and dynamic programming can be applied to a water resource system; however, they usually are not capable of incorporating all the details that affect system outputs.
2. A factor that greatly complicates the simulation and evaluation of reservoir system outputs is the stochastic nature of the inputs and of the requirements on the system.
3. Water resource systems consist of reservoirs, power plants, diversion structures, channels, and conveyance facilities. In order to simulate system operation, the system must be completely described in terms of the location and functional characteristics of each facility. The system should include all components that affect the project operation and provide the required outputs for analysis.
4. The starting conditions for simulating the flood-control operation for an historic flood period would not depend on the operation of the system for conservation purposes prior to that time.
5. Hydropower simulation requires a realistic estimate of power head, which depends on reservoir pool level, tail water elevation, and hydraulic energy losses.
6. Rule curves for the operation of a reservoir system for conservation usually consist of standard power generation and water supply requirements that will be served under normal conditions, a set of storage levels that will provide a target for balancing storage among the various system reservoirs, and maximum and minimum permissible pool levels for each season based on flood control, recreation, and other project requirements.
7. The incremental test of the value of an individual system component is definitive for the economic efficiency criteria and provides the basis for several alternative formulation strategies.
8. __________________________ is a general-purpose technique for identifying the optimal solution to an optimization problem without explicitly enumerating all solutions.
Branch-and bound enumeration
Branch-and branch enumeration
9. In simulating the operation of a reservoir system for conservation, the time of travel of water between points in the system is usually ignored, because it is small in relation to the typical computation interval.
10. The primary disadvantage of the HEC-PRM is that the monthly flow data and lack of channel routing limit its application for short interval simulation, such as flood control and peaking hydropower.