DC PE engineers Continuing education Requirements

District of Columbia PE Engineer Continuing Education Courses

District of Columbia Land Surveyors Continuing Education Courses

Here is a summary of the engineering continuing education requirements mandated by the District of Columbia Board of Engineering.

No of PDH hours required 20 PDH every biennium. 1 hour must be in Professional Ethics
Renewal period August 31 in even numbered years
Provider approval The Board does not pre-approve course providers or specific courses.
Course content approval A continuing education program shall be deemed approved by the Board if the offering is approved, provided or sponsored by one of the following:
  1. National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and any other recognized national or state society of professional engineers;
  2. District of Columbia Association of Land Surveyors (DCALS) and any other recognized national or state society of land surveyors;
  3. National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES);
  4. A licensing board of another jurisdiction that regulates the practice of land surveying or professional engineering;
  5. Federal or state agencies offering training in land surveying or professional engineering; and
  6. Accredited colleges and universities offering training in land surveying or professional engineering.
No of PDH hours carry over next year None.
Online courses Accepted, there is no limit on the number of online courses taken.

DiscountPDH credits have been accepted by the District of Columbia Board of Professional Engineers, as well as all other U.S. state boards that require continuing education for P.E. engineers. Our PDH courses or webinars have never been rejected by a state licensing board.

Link: https://www.dcopla.com/bpe/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2019/11/Continuing-Education-Requirements-for-Renewal-or-Reinstatement-of-a-License.pdf