Maryland PE engineers Continuing education Requirements

Maryland PE Engineer Continuing Education Courses

Maryland PE Ethics Course

Maryland Land Surveyor Ethics Course

Here is a summary of the engineering continuing education requirements mandated by the Maryland State Board for Professional Engineers. Continuing Education or PDH is known as Continuing Professional Competency (CPC) in Maryland.

No of PDH hours required 16 PDH
Renewal period Biennial; based on date of initial issuance.
Provider approval We are a pre- approved course provider with the State of Maryland, and we are listed as
Course content approval

A licensee shall complete a minimum of 16 PDH units earned from the participation in and completion of qualified programs described as:

  • Technical, research, analytical, or design aspects of engineering;
  • Laws and regulations applicable to the practice of engineering in Maryland;
  • Engineering-related computer hardware and software topics;
  • Standards of practice or care;
  • Professional engineering ethics;
  • Project management, risk assessment and management, or emergency and disaster management; or
  • Similar topics aimed to maintain, improve, or expand the skills and knowledge relevant to the licensee’s field of practice.

A minimum of 1 PDH in each biennial licensing term shall be earned from the participation in the completion of qualifying programs with content related to the following:

  • The awareness of ethical concerns and conflicts related to the practice of engineering;
  • An enhanced familiarity with the code of conduct for professional engineers;
  • An understanding of standards of practice or care related to the practice of engineering; or
  • Laws and regulations applicable to the practice of engineering in Maryland.
No of PDH hours carry over next year A maximum of 8 PDH. Carryover hours are not permitted on the first renewal cycle.
Online courses Accepted, there is no limit on the number of online courses taken.

DiscountPDH credits have been accepted by the Maryland State Board for Professional Engineers, as well as all other U.S. state boards that require continuing education for P.E. engineers. Our PDH courses or webinars have never been rejected by a state licensing board.