Iowa PE engineers Continuing education Requirements

Iowa PE Engineer Continuing Education Courses

Iowa Land Surveyors Continuing Education Courses

Iowa PE Ethics Course

Here is a summary of the engineering continuing education requirements mandated by the Iowa Professional Licensing Bureau for Engineers and Land Surveyors.

No of PDH hours required 30 PDH
Renewal period Biennial, December 31, depending on the date of initial licensure
Provider approval The Board does not pre-approve course providers
Course content approval The Board has 2 categories of PDH credit hours. Group 1 and Group 2.

Group 1, are courses to maintain, improve and expand engineering knowledge and skill prior to initial licensure. The Maximum in each category is as follow:
Engineering sciences: 10 PDH
Math and Science: 10 PDH
Engineering curriculum courses 10 PDH
Humanities and Social Sciences: 5 PDH

Group 2, there is no maximum allowed PDH hours limit in Group 2. Group 2 courses can be college postgraduate engineering, new technology, design and science classes. Courses in engineering management and environmental regulations are also accepted in this group.

No of PDH hours carry over next year 15 PDH can be carried over to next renewal period
Online courses A maximum of 10 PDH online courses is allowed per renewal period

DiscountPDH credits have been accepted by the Iowa Professional Licensing Bureau for Engineers and Land Surveyors, as well as all other U.S. state boards that require continuing education for P.E. engineers. Our PDH courses or webinars have never been rejected by a state licensing board.